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Anonymous commented at 2012-08-15 12:23:59 » #1139663

^Why people had always so much hard time approving this?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-15 00:16:03 » #1830946

Why do people hate Aerith, you ask? Because they are in love with Tifa's boobs and believe that any sort of cockblock between Cloud and Tifa's tits should be nuked from orbit. It's a simple case of rabid fans with a bad case of OTP that can only be solved in their mind by convincing themselves that the character is horrible and therefore doesn't deserve to be involved.

Whatever pairings you want to be a fan of is your business. But don't throw hate around for characters or pairings you don't like just because you don't like them. It's your personal opinion. SOMEONE likes it, which is why it was posted. If you don't like it, then close the tab and move on.

8 Points Flag