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Anonymous commented at 2010-05-12 15:07:35 » #300062

Wow, Pokemon has gotten to be so lame over the years, what happened to the good old days of gold and silver when there wasn't 50 million lame ass pokemon that nobody wants but try to catch anyway? though i have to say these look better than the ruby/sapphire starters[i hated all of them, got rid of them as soon as i caught a ralts]

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-12 15:37:03 » #300079

Oh wow, you caught a ralts? You must be super cool and tough in real life.

*+1 tough guy banana sticker*

39 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-12 16:48:03 » #300138

i kinda like the otter thing :I

14 Points Flag
Seshuyin commented at 2010-05-12 18:55:53 » #300197

Normally I always begin with the fire type, but the sea otter is catching my attention.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-13 23:15:12 » #301405

I like this bettter than the official with the truccker shorts

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-14 17:29:26 » #302187

Yes i did catch a ralts and no i am not a super cool, tough guy[like any of you are its pokemon] im just saying pokemon now are just lame, they seem to maybe make 1 or 2 good ones and than just scribble down filler pokemon, and come on they can make a better game, they havent introduced anything particularly new since gold/silver. make the game a little longer or something. you have to admit though charizard and blastoise were a million time more kick ass than any starter after

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-14 17:32:01 » #302189

oh and P.S. im just an "old man" reminiscing about the old days so don't take me that seriously, you'll probably be saying[or at least thinking the same thing 10 years from now{or not idk}]

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-18 03:40:34 » #305312

Nothing new since Gold and Silver? Dude, RSE revolutionized Pokemon into what it is now, looking back sure GS was great but all it did was add color and gender to Pokemon, RSE overhauled everything about Pokemon. And they dont just make a few good Pokemon, sure the amount of legendaries is getting ridiculous but, Pokemon are getting more and more creative, the only reason you people dont think so is because your just on the few relate-able things about the first 150, but now that Nintendo actually has to delve into mythology and deeper things than "oooh a dragon, or lets put guns on a turtle" you cant fathom the creativeness of the new Pokemon.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-19 21:03:34 » #306814

...more creative,mythology...they made a fucking fire pig...wtf are you talking about...and...you know what fuck it...im just going to stick to my gold version...and maybe torrent black/white...they aren't worth buying imo but like rse or dps they are at least worth a play threw...so let this be the end of it, i have to admit though, i like the new main characters.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-19 21:04:54 » #306816

You guys do realize that you are arguing over a stupid game made for kids right?

2 Points Flag