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Closeted_transbian commented at 2023-05-04 04:59:17 » #2800837

Very based tags

38 Points Flag
MyonMyonMyonMyon commented at 2023-09-20 06:02:51 » #2831820

Fixed them, if you look in the history people have been going back and forth with the 2girls thing even though that's bs.

10 Points Flag
LazyLittleLily commented at 2023-09-20 06:48:48 » #2831823

at some point this argument has to die..

7 Points Flag
HeyItsDingo commented at 2023-12-08 23:10:49 » #2849735

The argument should have died when the fucking creator of the series said himself that Bridget is a trans girl, thus a girl.

23 Points Flag
sharkfleshlight commented at 2023-12-09 21:02:55 » #2849930

There wouldn't even be an argument if Daisuke made a separate character that was trans, I don't have issues with trans characters, but it entirely ruins the dynamic of Bridget's backstory and brings in some pretty bad implications.

12 Points Flag
HeyItsDingo commented at 2023-12-10 17:34:49 » #2850149

Maybe actually play Bridget's story mode, because it directly addresses her backstory. She is afraid that accepting herself as being trans invalidates her fight to prove her village wrong, and the conclusion is that her being trans doesn't invalid everything she fought for, and even if it did, she has to accept herself anyway. Sorry if character nuance is too difficult for you to grasp.

17 Points Flag
Sneedcc commented at 2023-12-10 18:47:12 » #2850162

"Play the story" Coming from people who have no idea what their backstory has been over all the years, and not seeing through the simple strategy of pacifying a certain demographic, whilst he unsurprisingly remained MALE in JP after backlash. Had the "people" trying to force their shit on Bridget actually known their backstory, they'd know how fucked up it would be to accept it, then again, forcing their beliefs on people is what they do best.

24 Points Flag
sharkfleshlight commented at 2023-12-11 16:08:44 » #2850357

"Play the story" a story addresses problems that come from the same story causing problems with no REAL regard to the actual backstory

9 Points Flag
QAiizx commented at 2023-12-11 18:51:51 » #2850388

"The game is wrong because I don't like it!"

"My opinion > the creator's word"

17 Points Flag
sharkfleshlight commented at 2023-12-30 03:26:19 » #2854310

"I'm illiterate and can't even try to understand simple reasoning why this change is unwarranted!"

"non-existent counterarguments > trying to make a constructive point"

the canon isn't invalid, it's a contradiction that erases the entire characters purpose in their backstory, that's the issue

13 Points Flag