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Ezalias commented at 2022-08-18 17:37:49 » #2739908

She does crunches so hard, her armor becomes a ball.

4 Points Flag
Ashera commented at 2023-02-23 07:18:23 » #2785202

#2739861 Bridget's creator said that she's a transgender woman, so that's just how it is now. I love her as a femboy or a trans woman, Bridget is Bridget, and Bridget is great~
That said, it could be explained that part of her whole thing in regards to expressing masculinity was to dispel the belief of same sex twins being bad luck and help her family's reputation in her town.
Once she was able to do that, she felt lost as that had been her whole identity and such. Her story is also not that odd, a lot of transgender people will be very vocal about being 'cisgender'..such as myself, when I was 12, I was so adament that I was a boy that I wouldn't even capture female Pokémon..but it wasn't true..I was just so afraid of admitting the truth even to myself that I hyperfocused on denying it. I was subconsciously scared. Bridget was likely much the same way..I mean, she went on about being masculine and a man..but she never stopped acting or dressing femininely, using the excuse of her town as why she dressed that way..but she had been out of her town for pretty much all of the games and could have dressed however she wanted so that excuse falls flat.

5 Points Flag
eNBy commented at 2023-08-17 18:26:52 » #2824901

@Ashera Yeah I feel like all of the people who think that Bridget is somehow like "bad trans rep" or "unrealistic and forced" or whatever have never actually met a trans person lmao.

3 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2023-08-17 20:32:40 » #2824922

Imagine thinking it's a good thing that a man who was forced to dress and act like a girl finally just gives in to the pressure and identifies as a girl.

How progressive, keep mentally abusing somebody until they just snap and accept whatever somebody says to just stop the abuse.

8 Points Flag
Ezalias commented at 2023-08-17 21:13:31 » #2824932

This character literally fought to have their identity recognized.

People said 'if you wanna be a boy then you gotta be tough,' so Bridget kicked their asses wearing a cute dress.

What Bridget was remains important. People have cherished this character for a reason. This personified condemnation of toxic masculinity. This walking refutation of what makes someone a "real man." You might as well spit acronyms at twenty-year-old DeviantArt comments, because those relics in their historical context are no different from what I'm saying now. We adored a thoroughly established version of Bridget who was proudly and unambiguously a boy.

If you want to insist none of that exists anymore - welcome to the problem.

Non-gender-conforming characters are queer rep, and the world's best example has been erased. This was a thoroughly femme character getting she/her'd at every turn, and /politely correcting people./ That's a fully-realized gender identity. No aspect was hidden or denied. It was great to see, while it lasted. And now you want us to pretend every part of it was some poor confused little egg.

Seeing trans and NB commenters insist 'only girls can wear skirts' is fucking wild.

6 Points Flag