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Anonymous commented at 2010-04-08 00:23:17 » #269899

i cant tell if i should fap or run, i'm arachnopobic and this is fuckin creepy!

13 Points Flag
Alex_and_Zander commented at 2010-04-08 02:16:18 » #269978

I think this is oddly interesting. On one hand, you have a beautiful, obviously submissive, woman.

On the other, you have a cunning spider, and possibly deadly venom.

Either way, so long as she doesn't try to poison me with anything fatal or too painful, I'd love her as a pet. Or even a mistress. For all we know, those bites of hers are aphrodisiacs.

... a guy can dream...

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-09 09:02:00 » #271048

Honestly she looks like a tickler to me. XD

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-27 05:02:40 » #314183

Oh, no, she looks into bondage. Tie you up with her web and fuck you to nightmarish levels.

7 Points Flag
policeman commented at 2010-12-14 15:02:58 » #544842

i could never do anything with that girl... those spider leg are freaking me out...

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-17 04:02:50 » #548070

1 give her a gag so she cant poison you
2 tie the spider legs along ( or spread.. atleast secure em)

1 Points Flag
kamiwoo commented at 2011-02-15 15:59:34 » #621367

I would run like hell, many years ago i watched a hentai where a spider woman fucked every guy she met and transformed then in tiny spiders, after that she killed then, she is hot, but my survival instincts would be scraming F.E.A.R all the time(fuck everthing and run)

2 Points Flag
Okwm commented at 2011-12-11 08:31:37 » #948441

Today is a good day to die!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-24 02:58:42 » #958883

The woodcarving in the background reminds me of some old japanese myth I read a while back. Basically the japanese counterpart to the greek arachne myth (it explains the existence of spiders). The gist was that there was originally just one huge demonic spider and some samurai or something went and sliced it to bits and tons of little spiders came crawling out and ran off to every corner of the world. Female personification of said spider-demon perhaps?

0 Points Flag