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maniacal_tentacle_monster commented at 2010-03-24 19:04:18 » #260291

that makes me sad. poor XP-tan. I still use her, so she will not be lonely. :)

13 Points Flag
Ninjinto commented at 2010-03-24 19:22:35 » #260293

I call shenanigans, XP would be the one still doing all the work and Vista would be an annoying little brat who demands your attention every couple of minutes.

18 Points Flag
maniacal_tentacle_monster commented at 2010-03-24 19:33:11 » #260294

They should feature Vista's uniform to have chastity belts and locks on every piece of clothing as if to symbolize its flawed security, that'd be hilarious. XP is still my girl =)

9 Points Flag
Recumen commented at 2010-03-24 20:59:04 » #260317

I saw this a while ago, except spoken by ME. Basically verbatim, too. It was a lot more poignant, for that, because after all the hate (rightfully) poured on it, to have it characterized by a dying loli apologising profusely for her ineptitude was actually kind of touching. It was also a lot more applicable, since the reception of XP has been generally favourable, and when XP-tan talks about crashing all the time, it seems like stereotypical Japanese meekness, while for ME-tan, it was an actual problem, that you might expect a sincere apology for.

8 Points Flag
maniacal_tentacle_monster commented at 2010-03-24 22:00:54 » #260326

Yeah, she put herself down a little too harshly in here. XP is still widely used and just as favorable as Seven itself. So, hang in there, XP-tan, we still love you. :)

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-03-25 22:45:11 » #260657

I have 3 Windows XP disks. Now I HAVE to keep them Q_Q

11 Points Flag
kujo256 commented at 2010-04-12 03:47:25 » #273474

Spiced up those tags. Poor XP-tan, you'll still live on as one of the best OS-tans ever to exist. I skipped over Vista and went to 7, so don't worry too much! ;D

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-07 20:04:17 » #295991

dont worry xp-tan, you still are in my computer =)

6 Points Flag
Master_of_chaos commented at 2010-05-20 20:54:29 » #307794

Yeah, XP-Tan, don't worry, you are better than your Vista and we all love you much much more. Actually, Vista now sleeps on the streets while you, yes you XP-tan, live strong on my computer.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-27 05:07:56 » #314195

Haha, Vista was a retard baby if you ask me. XP still has the beauty, but windows 7 is growing up quite nicely.

5 Points Flag