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Anonymous commented at 2020-01-30 20:10:46 » #2486797

Considering Renko and Maribel live anywhere from 2 decades to a century (maybe even more than that) in the future relative to our time, i find it highly unlikely that Japan would be this discriminatory against same-sex relationships that far into the future.

5 Points Flag
Hesiod commented at 2021-04-10 21:38:50 » #2604421

I have to agree, but I have a theory to resolve this apparent contradiction: they traveled back in time and got an apartment in a more familiar time period, and underestimated the prejudice of its people. Would our distant ancestors willingly accept us? Most likely not.

Honestly, this take just makes this sadder, because they legitimately didn't know how far down humanity could spiral in said eras.

4 Points Flag
scabbyonmyknee commented at 2022-06-27 15:20:40 » #2724015

Japan will either still be that way or it'll be gone. Japan doesn't learn lessons, especially when it comes to basic decency.

3 Points Flag
Sorenzor commented at 2024-05-25 14:35:28 » #2891010

Breaks your heart. And it's extremely realistic, not just in Japan. Most of the time you don't see it painted in the doors. It's in the behavior, the attitude, the lies, the fear.

1 Points Flag