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anonekama commented at 2022-04-16 16:59:47 » #2704326

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Delta H Laboratories has developed a considerable number of inventions to date, including cutting-edge devices at the forefront of world technology. Many people have wondered how the ladies of our laboratory consistently perform such ground-breaking research, and how they learn such advanced foundational skills. As one of the original members of this laboratory, I am honored to introduce one of our secrets: The Wooden Horse Education Machine.

The main theoretical foundation of the Wooden Horse Education Machine is “Cooperative Image Learning from Genital Pain”. Using neural stress detectors, we discovered that conventional education methods elicit an incredible amount of stress in the student. However, combining sexual pain with visual learning techniques counteracts the stress, allowing the student to learn advanced calculus nearly effortlessly
The Wooden Horse Education Machine consists of a “Riding Module” and a “Teaching Module”. The main body of the Riding Module is composed of a “Dynamic Contour Wooden Horse” and foot restraints, which can freely alter the shape and curvature of the wooden horse while guaranteeing that the student cannot break free. The Teaching Module includes a computerized textbook, a touchscreen, and interactive stylus. The education machine has a variety of different classes pre-installed with the wooden horse, but new courses can easily be added or updated.

Motivation is critically important for learning, and this education machine provides ample incentives to study. It limits the student’s freedom, and once they are mounted on the machine and restrained by locking rings, they must complete all the provided problems before they are released from the machine. In addition, the lesson is personalized for each student. Before the training begins, the education machine will analyze the pain thresholds for every student and fine-tune the device’s “cross-sectional contour” and “micro shock” settings. The student will learn to recognize many different painful stimulus patterns on her pussy, and these sensations will correspond to their lesson content. This way, the student will intuitively classify the knowledge they learn, and it becomes a mindless training method similar to machine learning, which we call “Cooperative Image Learning from Genital Pain”. To prevent subject interference during the teaching mode, the student’s hands are limited to a certain range of motion, and they are only allowed to interact with the touch screen. If the education machine detects the student leaning on the monitor or shifting her center of gravity, her pussy will be shocked with electricity and the lesson will restart from the beginning. One must always be focused while studying, and this is the first critical lesson that students will learn from the education machine.

The knowledge that a student learns must be tested, and the Wooden Horse Education Machine naturally contains this feature. In exam mode, every question must be answered correctly within a time limit. Once a question appears on the monitor, a countdown timer starts, and after a certain amount of seconds (different for every question), the wooden horse will change shape so that the student’s pussy suffers from an increasing amount of pain. If the student answers the question incorrectly, the timer does not stop, and if the countdown drops to zero, the machine will deliver an electric shock and switch to another question. Simply completing the exam is not the goal. Rather, the student receives points for the number and difficulty of questions that they complete within a set time frame. The students are not told how long the exam will last, but as long as they concentrate on learning, they can complete many questions without being punished. Students with poor academic performance will not only be continuously shocked during the exam, but they will also be forced to attend remedial lessons if they receive a failing score. Furthermore, to prevent the noises of suffering students from distracting other examinees, everyone must be gagged. Every student’s questions are different, making it impossible to cheat, so it is an accurate assessment of every student’s learning.

In our laboratory, the Wooden Horse Education Machine may be used for free year-round, but the students are required to wear a designated uniform. While in use, cameras are installed all around the room to record the student’s study session as a commercial product. The income from the advertisements supports operating costs of the devices. The education machine itself can also be rented out, and certain courses come with special discounts. “Learning by riding” is our laboratory’s secret to producing outstanding students. Buy an education machine today and receive a the world-famous “Sex Slave Training Program” for free, so please call us for further inquiries.

Aside from the Lesson Mode and the Testing Mode, the Wooden Horse Education Machine also has a Remedial Education Mode. Students who fail their exams are automatically forced to take part. Since the efficacy of the education machine is scientifically validated, the main reason why students fail is purely due to laziness. Therefore, in Remedial Education Mode, students use an outdoor Education Machine. Instead of a touchscreen, they wear a head-mounted visor and headphones. To avoid causing a ruckus, they are gagged like before with their arms tightly bound behind them. The time and location of the student's remedial education session along with their personal information will be published on the lab’s website immediately after their exam. The student will be mounted in position half an hour before the scheduled start time. We have found that supervised machine learning is an effective remedy for students who fail automatic and unsupervised machine learning. Not student is left behind, and our laboratory will employ all resources necessary to teach students the knowledge they need.

Once it’s set up, the education machine will reset the student’s personalized pussy pain pattern prior to training. The biggest difference from Lesson Mode is that Remedial Education Mode is a type of supervised learning. All bystanders are supervisors who can “train” students without turning off the device. Needless to say, this includes physical contact, and we also provide supervisors with various teaching aids to facilitate the training process. The touch screen will be flipped forwards for the supervisor’s use, and it can be used to quiz the students. During the quiz, the education machine will select multiple choice questions from the question bank based on the student’s difficulty level and current progress. The students must squeeze their thighs on the wooden horse to control the cursor and select an answer. Of course, the supervisor can also "help" the student answer the question. Please note that students who answer incorrectly will be punished with an electric shock, so pay attention to your own safety.

After the remedial education session is over, the wooden horse will change to seat mode. In order to thank the supervisors for their help, students are required to provide machine learning “feedback”. At this time, the supervisor may remove the student’s gag and accept the student’s gratitude from the front and back. When all supervisors are satisfied, please replace the ball gag and and press the review button on the touch screen. The education machine will change back to wooden horse mode and students must review their lesson content for a minimum of half an hour. Students on cleaning duty will go and retrieve the remediating students at a fixed time at the end of every day. It is worth noting that all students in the laboratory are sex slaves, so the students on cleaning duty might also be preoccupied with other forms of training. As such, the retrieval time is never guaranteed. However, the longer the review period, the better the learning. Make-up examinations are held after remediation lessons, and the broad majority of students pass the test. Of course, students who fail the make-up exams must undergo remedial training again, since a student’s primary duty is to study.

In fact, according to statistics, remedial education is dramatically more effective than traditional learning methods. Some students will voluntarily apply for “supervised learning” to improve their grades in subjects they are not as interested in. Unlike compulsory remedial education, students who voluntarily choose supervised education can decide their own start time, and their release is guaranteed within half an hour after completing the lesson. As a result, there are many students looking to use the machine. We are frequently recruiting supervisors, and if you become a senior instructor, you can apply for one-to-one private tutoring with specific students. All information is available on the laboratory website, so please check it out.

15 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2022-04-16 17:29:59 » #2704331

Too long, didn't read.

5 Points Flag
Cypress_Cat commented at 2022-04-16 17:33:35 » #2704333

I don't even have a joke: What the hell, man? That's, um, dedication.

6 Points Flag