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Anonymous commented at 2010-02-12 22:37:27 » #223539

oh yeah! now naruto find the best place to live....

6 Points Flag
Aspada commented at 2010-02-13 03:47:41 » #223670

fat ass on cute girl=WIN!!!

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-14 14:22:53 » #365108

Okay, I'd like to know what everyone is going on about. Do we have haters and liers here or what? I still have catching up to do in the manga, but why "wouldn't" Naruto and Hinata be a possible couple? Right now, Sakura's done a bang up job at proving her faith towards Naruto ( I say that with great sarcasm. I mean the opposite for the slow people out there). She lied with her confession which was deeper than low and also notes her idiotic crush for a certain fool who hit her, left her, and attempted to kill her. She's blind as are some girls who set theirselves up for the bad dudes that treat them wrong. I could see Hinata with Naruto in a rl situation anyday. Why wouldn't you like an attractive girl who has always supported and believed in you even since you were little ninja's at the academy. I'm for their relationship all the way. Let's just hope Naruto doesn't draw the "100% Sakura Damage Attack Card" up and steer Hinata wrong as well.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-26 11:23:18 » #596325

Behold! The closest Hinata has ever gotten to Naruto.

"Too bad you hate NaruHina too much to accept it."

Too bad you're too in denial to see how fucking stupid your comment was.

And too bad the Naruhina fandom doesn't realize how ridiculous it looks, otherwise they'd be laughing alongside us non-shippers too.

0 Points Flag
LG_Negi commented at 2011-12-11 10:42:18 » #948515

I used to support it,but then I thought about it and realized no.The idiot's too busy chasing pinky and duck butt head to notice her despite the fact that she was the only one gave a d*mn about him.Even after she saved his life,he never even found the time to say thanks because he was too busy worrying about his asexual boyfriend

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-14 22:14:18 » #1246029

This image is from Bleach
thats supposed to be Inoue with the food inside herself

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-14 22:14:58 » #1246030

This image is from Bleach
thats supposed to be Inoue with the food inside herself

0 Points Flag