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DaddyTime commented at 2022-08-14 21:41:38 » #2738591

The fuck... Is this shit...

2 Points Flag
cox811 commented at 2022-08-15 00:32:58 » #2738633

what would drive you to make this when you have like 3000 white or white passing pokemon characters

2 Points Flag
Yalara90 commented at 2022-08-15 02:07:50 » #2738659

A pussy is a pussy. Doesn't matter if is black or white, I would still fuck her. :3

4 Points Flag
zorothex commented at 2022-11-11 20:57:07 » #2762841

Bunch of anti whites in these comments.

It's very telling what kind of person you are if you complain about this, 2 faced, hypocritical, inconsistent.

The fact that you would bring it up in the first place shows that would jump at the chance to make a white character black, so don't even try and give people lip about it happening in reverse.

If blackwashing is somehow demanded in this era, then whitewashing is mandatory to equalize, because that's what people stubbornly want, right? that things are "equalized" (not realizing the absurdity in even wanting that)

Long story short, shut the f#$% up and jack off in silence. It's not your problem, because it's not a problem to begin with.

11 Points Flag