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Tyranogre commented at 2022-01-23 22:16:22 » #2682579

Here it is, the original clip of Tifa hentai being played in front of the Italian senate.

Didn't see it on this site, so I decided to rectify that.

269 Points Flag
salmanxd2 commented at 2022-01-23 23:08:51 » #2682588

This is gold lol

95 Points Flag
Endless8 commented at 2022-01-24 00:13:30 » #2682599

This really happened? Lol

91 Points Flag
Yalara90 commented at 2022-01-24 03:32:39 » #2682645

As an Italian, I feel embarassed and proud at the same time.

158 Points Flag
RandoAnon commented at 2022-01-24 11:59:40 » #2682715

It's a great time to be Italian lately.

71 Points Flag
DougDimmadome commented at 2022-01-24 14:59:50 » #2682747

As expected, Italians have great taste.

69 Points Flag
ChronicallyInsomniac commented at 2022-01-25 01:58:24 » #2682937

Yalara, do you think you could translate what was the conversation between the senator and "Alex Spence"? And what this Alex was saying throughout this thing? I really wanna know. Thanks in advance if you do.

26 Points Flag
Yalara90 commented at 2022-01-25 04:41:28 » #2682970

She isn't talking to this Alex Spence, she is just communicating with the staff about solving the issue.
The male voice at 0:08 is too much distortet because of the microphone, I am not even sure he is speaking italian.
At 0:22 the woman says "Sorry to all, a person has introduced himself in a manner... sorry. If the direction can please give me a hand removing this person."
Then again at 0:48 "I am removing all but all these people are being readmitted, I don't know who is doing it."
I did not translate it word for word cause the audio isn't exactly good and multiple voices do not help it, but that is basically what was going on. As you can see, nothing too dramatic as a conversation.

82 Points Flag
Floater commented at 2022-01-25 04:59:02 » #2682972

He seems to repeat twice "I used to be a sex offender, now I am a kindergarten teacher."

63 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2022-01-25 05:01:11 » #2682973

Classic Moment. <3

16 Points Flag