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robblu commented at 2022-01-16 17:47:46 » #2680696


【Dead Collection Hall】 NO. 225·Music Box
Angelica Sal (18 years old)
——A former member of the少年██ Juvenile Opera Company, she quickly ascended to the throne of female lead actress with outstanding talent. However, a sudden car accident took away her limbs and also took away the possibility of her continuing to dance. Since then, she has been devastated, unable to go out behind closed doors all day long, and cut off contact with the outside world. On the day the troupe won the gold medal in the national competition, she removed her prosthetic limbs and, surrounded by dolls-they would never laugh at her body, they were the best audience-danced the last dance with the power of ropes. The museum acquired the remains from his family and incorporated them into the collection.

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