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Anonymous commented at 2009-12-23 08:05:13 » #183632

If that's cum dripping off the seat back, then someone needs to go see a doctor.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-23 10:54:45 » #183746

Yeah, it says peeing, but...pee doesn't really drip like that...looks more like the vaj juice to me...

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-24 12:05:54 » #184562

eh agreed and why is there a puddle there if the drips are not touching the ground

3 Points Flag
tsochar commented at 2009-12-24 17:38:01 » #184703

And for that matter, why does it look like it's flowing up the chair? That's an upward slope no matter how you look at it, the foreshortening isn't noticeable enough to suggest otherwise.

3 Points Flag
felicia_fan commented at 2009-12-25 20:35:25 » #185329

Quite possibly the strangest attempt at perspective on a glass table ever. Still a good pic, but would have been so much better if I didn't have to stare at it for 30 seconds trying to figure out what she was sitting on and how.

10 Points Flag
mordicaii commented at 2009-12-25 23:11:30 » #185427

felicia_fan, I think what they tried to do is draw so that the perspective is pointing up and the girl is facing starkly forward.


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