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Mastermind commented at 2009-12-09 22:31:53 » #172810

To Thref:
Who knows what Sirens really are. One side says they're similar to mermaids, the other side says they're similar to harpies! I may be knowledgable, but this is beyond me.

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EricFong commented at 2009-12-10 01:52:22 » #172972

Well, i am a Chinese, i can read some word in this.

Let's see, hmm, It said when her saw a Human male, she will sing a [Special Song] and that guy will fall in sleep(so she can do that with lucky guy).

And disappear of ship increase is because of siren.

But, wait for official translation is better.

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Thref commented at 2009-12-10 11:21:43 » #173356

Well, Mastermind, There apparently are two types of Sirens, My only question now is, Will kenkou create a Mermaid Type Siren?

Perhaps it's regionally based, Two area's use the same name, but have different descriptions for them. Maybe where Kenkou is from, the def there dictates that they look like Birds, and Elsewhere/other defs dictate that they look like Mermaids(Perhaps with Wings or A Ghostly form).

Can't we have Both a Bird type Siren and a Mermaid Type Siren? I mean, He DID make an Ant Mamono Girl and a Momono Girl(Whose name escapes me at the moment) that looks almost exactly like one but is instead an Arachnid type Mamono Girl.

Well, that's on Him; Would be a Nice appreciated Bonus though. . .

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Mastermind commented at 2009-12-10 17:42:31 » #173595

I'm not saying that I'm frustrated with the whole siren thing. If you ask me, a mermaid siren and a bird siren are fine with me. ;)
(Also the Mamono Girl you can't remember is called the Ant Arachne.)

By the way, if you check my comment on the Anubis post, it is my "introduction". Sorry I coudn't put it on the Siren's post, it's just so hard to find were everyone's chatting. ^_^'

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Thref commented at 2009-12-10 17:59:36 » #173603

Mastermind Say:

Greetings. I call myself the Mastermind. I've been standing in the sidelines collecting Mamono Girl data, and I've been reviewing your conversations. So far, I see Thref as the only rival to my vast knowledge of Mamono Girls. I've been standing by for a long time, but now it's time for my voice to be heard.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all. ^_^

Post it Here(And read the updates I have posted on page1), on Gelbs forum:


It could use the Bump(That's What I'd consider where we, 'chat' about images like these), I haven't updated it due to a very strange and uncertain schedule; I'm not even sure of how stable My stay on Gelb is. And, I won't know if it ever will for a while now. I have to organize stuff before I post that template, it's almost finished(sorta), but I don't feel the urgent need to post it till I have something I deem presentable to show. In the mean time, feel free to read and Respond to the links I included there.

Welcome to Gelb, Hope to hear from you again soon(Perhaps through PM?; That's really the more certain way to communicate around this site if you need a response in a timely manner.)

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Anonymous commented at 2013-10-31 00:27:37 » #1426882

Thref, there are no such things as "Mermaid-type Sirens". That would be a distortion of the original Siren mythology. Kenkou, who does occasionally make some liberal changes to old monsters, is better than just completely fudging over what the original mosters were. Sirens, rooted in Greek mythology, were related to birds because of how birds "sang" in order to communicate. So, no Thref, he isn't basing it off "his region's Sirens"; he's basing it off the ORIGINAL description for Sirens.

The more comments I read on this site, the more I feel like I'm the only person who visits that knows even the slightest information about ancient mythology.

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