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Play_That_Funky_Music_White_Boy commented at 2021-08-03 23:06:26 » #2635822

Bros before hoes, dude. Not cool.

Also, pretty sure Krillin could snap Yamcha in half like a twig.

14 Points Flag
MetalNiner commented at 2021-08-23 01:18:25 » #2641964

Boy stfu. Krillin wouldn’t do shot against Yamcha. Yamcha would crush Krillin’s spine

3 Points Flag
TheOmegaAnon commented at 2021-09-02 00:40:52 » #2645281

Literally not even a controversial statement, krillin is just stronger than Yamcha lol

19 Points Flag
Hokuto_Boy_ commented at 2021-09-30 21:23:56 » #2654392

Guess what , here's a clip from an actual episode of Yamcha humiliating Krillin in a fight. www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YnvXqz30PE

4 Points Flag
MetalNiner commented at 2022-04-12 22:35:49 » #2703349


4 Points Flag
fugginB34NS commented at 2022-11-05 22:11:56 » #2761594

Respectfully, this is during the Cell Saga, if not the Android saga(based off of Yamcha's cut). and on top of that, Krillin(kind of, but also not really) stood his own against SSB Goku during the qualification for the Tournament of Power(www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgjsSeHnioc). And on top of that, Krillin hasn't slacked off on training, unlike Yamcha, who was utterly powerless during most of, if not the entirety of DBS and basically demoted to near Comic Relief.

TL,DR: Krillin solos Yamcha.

3 Points Flag
MetalNiner commented at 2023-01-28 15:23:23 » #2779808

Are you stupid or something? Krillin never stood his own against SSB, he’s weak asf unlike Yamcha who beaten Recoome and beaten Olibu whos factually stronger than Super Perfect Cell. It’s never shown or stated that Yamcha slacked off on training, that’s a damn myth. Yamcha was NEVER powerless in all of the DBS because he actually did do a lot of stuff unlike Krillin. Yamcha wins.

TL;DR: Yamcha Solos Krillin.

5 Points Flag