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yum123456789 commented at 2021-05-26 06:20:39 » #2616046

hey this got me thinking, if a mother were to eat her own baby while its attached to the umbilical cord. would that be cannibalism

you could argue that it isn't because she cant command it to move, but i can argue that you cant command your bones hair to move either. but if you eat your own bones it still counts as cannibalism.

so it makes sense that eating your own baby would count as cannibalisms too i mean all the factors that contribute to being what it is Are there.
the fact that itll become sentient eventually doesn't change the fact that is isn't sentient from the moment of birth. so until it becomes sentient it by all means would be cannibalisms to eat it.

15 Points Flag
AcidicMouse commented at 2021-06-08 23:15:32 » #2619571

Crocodiles lay their eggs before they get fertilized. If the egg hasn't been fertilized, at no point will it have a chance to develop a life form, making me not consider it cannibalism. Sorta like saying "swallowing cum is cannibalism", it really isnt

17 Points Flag
Kaede-Nyan commented at 2022-01-19 20:51:53 » #2681492

Well, she's not a crocodile, she's actually a snake, though that is a common misconception with Eunectes.

2 Points Flag