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DerFeuerLiger commented at 2009-08-18 22:01:18 » #96809

Who's the chick Kazama Asuka fucking? Doesn't seem like it'd be his mother or sister. They look nothing alike.

1 Points Flag
VFBlaze commented at 2009-08-18 22:27:10 » #96838

Asuka isn't his sister. She's Jin's cousin.

11 Points Flag
RespectableFur commented at 2009-08-19 14:14:37 » #97190

This is Dr. Comets work traced and flipped. People need to learn how to draw their own art, or at least give proper credit.


4 Points Flag
RespectableFur commented at 2009-08-19 14:22:26 » #97198

although, on a more positive note. Whoever did draw this, did a very good job recoloring and retexturing.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-08-22 23:50:35 » #98937

Considering furry pics suck, I don't think he needs to give any credit at all.

This is much better.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-08-23 11:33:09 » #99163

Yeah I drew this, or rather traced it from Dr. Comet's stuff as someone noticed.
But considering the fact I only traced the basic outlines and changed everything else, it's not a copy is it?
The reason I did that is because I suck at poses, and Dr Comet had some cool poses in his cg sets. Not a fan of furries myself.

Jin's and Asuka's relation isn't confirmed yet, some interviews say they're cousins, some says siblings... the question is yet to be answered.

I edited two more of Dr comet's pictures which have shitty backgrounds. I'll upload them now.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-09-04 17:25:36 » #106235

Whatever their relation is, they're of the same bloodline, which means incest in either cases.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-11-27 10:55:08 » #162720

There cousins... How hard is that to figure out. -_-

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-11 04:29:23 » #174064


0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-23 21:15:57 » #447625

Younger cousin of Jin Kazama. She enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 to capture him and blame him for what happen to her father.

On the official NA Tekken 6 website, Asuka was incorrectly stated as being Jin's half-sister, despite them not sharing a biological parent. While they are related, they are 'only' cousins. This has since been corrected on the NA website, but the error is still present on the EU website.

Case closed

7 Points Flag