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Ctzx commented at 2023-01-18 09:48:52 » #2777496

"as if other communities werent able of creating their own characters and needed white people to verify it is liked in order to change it"

That's exactly the problem. Look at these comments. People are made highly uncomfortable by people of color and want to blame it on some sort of "canon" issue.

The fact if the matter is Japanese society has a VERY low percentage of people of color so it's highly uncommon to meet diverse people. This Japanese image hosting site reflects that. It's not about Americans - it's about each individuals experience with minorities. Because our populations have a lower percentage of ethnic groups we DO need to change mainstream characters to get the culture shock out of the zeitgeist. Black, Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islanders - all groups made underground manga and comics in the states. Weebs don't buy it. It's not whitewashing, it's real racism.

It's systemic, it's uncomfortable, and conversations like this put us on the path to accepting it without people blowing up or dishing out meta-analytical statements about fetishes and situational awareness of their over-marketed video game icons.

So yeah, we do need to do this, and make statements. Because ethically diverse characters ARE out there. But why can't we name any? And why do people have such sensitively strong feelings over skin color in the first place?

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