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FriendofAlice commented at 2020-06-07 03:03:40 » #2537602

This took me right over the edge...

I wish people would just call them Japanese cartoons or mangamation but it's not a big deal, just my petty prejudices.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-06-07 09:27:56 » #2537702

"mangamation" sounds fucking stupid.

43 Points Flag
HamtaroFan2008 commented at 2020-06-07 12:16:40 » #2537764

After masturbating to this 1.5 minute webm in the morning, I felt uneasy throughout the day. Something about this video is very illogical and I'm back into the belly of the beast to try and explain, hopefully this will sufficiently warn innocent coomers like myself.

On one hand, it should be quite easy to understand that this is a very effective, almost insidious way of marketing an onahole. When advertising a sex toy, it's a genius idea to turn it into something you can masturbate to by itself, shutting the viewers brain off and telling their subconsious to buy your expensive rubber sock.

On the other hand, however, there is one overlooked detail that rubs me the wrong way. Let's take for example another crucial, non-electric household appliance like a frying pan. Individual frying pans differ in price, quality and additional features. In addition, they are a basic part of any household, because they both provide a basic need to the owner, so they should be comparable to an onahole.

Frying pans generally do not cook dinner by themselves, they require an owner to let them develop a bond and fulfill their potential. Once again, the same applies for onaholes. Frying pans are generally not known for being able to use other frying pans to cook their meals. When you go into a store, do you ask a frying pan to recommend you another pan? I hope you understand my point here. A cocksleeve is unable to recommend a man another cocksleeve, because it is physically impossible for it to use it. It doesn't matter what type it is, a woman or an onahole.

In conclusion, please keep in mind the implications of this webm and have a wonderful ejaculation.

30 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-06-07 16:28:21 » #2537843

^^^^ what the fuck

47 Points Flag
crizzyeyes commented at 2021-01-19 16:56:32 » #2587805

Jesus Christ the Tails avatar is so appropriate on that comment

9 Points Flag