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DougDimmadome commented at 2023-01-05 09:01:20 » #2774859

This image proves robot wifus are the superior form of wifus. I for one Welcome our AI overlords

8 Points Flag
spiderfan commented at 2023-01-05 09:48:01 » #2774863

I'm sorry Doug, but you'll burn in robot hell for all eternity for the sin of robo sexuality

0 Points Flag
ElectricSheepFailure commented at 2024-02-12 00:25:13 » #2865040

2774863 - If heaven means breeding more stupid humans, then hell is the place for me.

3 Points Flag
Knight_of_Cups commented at 2024-08-30 11:17:08 » #2913768

Oh, look... a gathering of hyper-competent women treated like cute sidekicks.

0 Points Flag