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Anonymous commented at 2020-05-07 06:11:44 » #2523492

the more i see fanart of gravity rush 2, i feel like people forgot king cai was even a character, but he wasn't that well used in the story. i expect gravity rush 3 to actually use him and i think a redemption ark where he turns out to be corrupted by the darkness, then "healed mentally", so he becomes some dumb kid kat and friends have to watch over.

so much could have been done with cai.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-12 10:45:26 » #2525956

even better, what if syd is responsible for cai's disappearence and he realized cai changed (like kat changed him by simply destroying the darkness eating the world), so he comes up with a plan to make cai into some hero to help kat and raven, but under a disguise. so he can make it up for his acts and become a better person and realize hekseville is better than eto.

i know toyama doesn't have any plans for gravity rush 3 but he said in some interviews that 1: he'd love if he got the chance and 2: he's interested on new hardware (ps5)

i hope he and his team have considered checking what fans would want in a new game, because fixing cai (both as a story element and person) is something nobody would hate.

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