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Anonymous commented at 2020-04-28 22:12:50 » #2519592

If she's willing to play with your penis in that state, do you really have any room complaining. If she's cute and trying to fuck or suck you off, you'd have to be a real dumb dumb to complain.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-29 10:44:24 » #2519794

What's with these comments? The whole point of this fetish is that they want to do it despite the nastiness. This ain't any worse than other weird stuff you see anyways.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-12 04:08:22 » #2525880

There are complaints because the animation is ruined for 99% of people in favor of a small amount of degradation fetishists.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-14 23:14:54 » #2526984

99%? Please stop projecting your own tastes onto every single artist who doesn't draw what YOU want them to draw. This artist almost always draws smegma with their blowjobs and this particular gif got over 10k likes on their twitter which is more popular than almost all their other "normal" stuff gets. It's people who talk like you who piss me off when I see you going up to every artist you've never met leaving comments like "PLEASE STOP DRAWING THIS AND DRAW MORE OF THE FETISHES I LIKE INSTEAD, FUCK EVERYONE ELSE"

10 Points Flag
♥♥♥ commented at 2020-05-14 23:28:33 » #2526986

They love girls who are so desperate for cock that they'd greedily suck weeks of filth off fat, ugly bastards, but not desperate enough for cock to cheat on their boyfriends/husbands. It's a laughably fine line.

3 Points Flag
Nero_Claudius commented at 2020-05-14 23:37:07 » #2526991

This cock is so tasty, so big, so juicy

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-15 19:56:28 » #2527366

Anonymous #2526984 are you really arguing against the fact that most people are turned off by smegma degradation?

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-15 20:06:38 » #2527368

Anonymous #2527366 No, but I don't go to artists who enjoy drawing fetishes I don't have and judge them or demand they not draw things that I don't like. Your condescending tone over this fetish, which is quite popular by the way judging by how well received it is from this artist on their social media, just comes off as incredibly selfish narcissistic especially considering just how many artists draw normal stuff. You can always find an artist that draws your particular fetish(and I'm sure there's something you get off to that other people find weird or gross).

I don't go to artists that draw futa and tell them to stop taking girls from popular series and having them randomly grow dicks without any explanation or to NTR artists and tell them to stop drawing XYZ waifu cheating on the MC even if I don't enjoy those fetishes, nor do I attack those who enjoy them. How hard is it for you to ignore something you don't like?

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-16 02:15:06 » #2527462

Okay I’m sorry, you’re right. People with niche fetishes deserve fap material too.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-17 07:13:00 » #2527983

>> #2527368 How hard can it be for the artist the make a tiny edit and please 90% more people? From a money making perspective it makes no sense not to make two versions.

The smega ruins it for many, I find it disgusting.

6 Points Flag