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Anonymous commented at 2012-02-13 03:52:55 » #1001575

That shit with Yamata no Orochi is old and fake and there are still peple who believe it?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-07 22:15:17 » #1631017

Anon #795768... ANGELS are genderless, Kitsune in their human form are depicted either as a female or a feminine man. There are folk tales, and not only Japanese ones, that depict Kitsune, or whatever they're called in that place they not being relegated only to Japanese culture, being perfect wives or alluring concubines (the most famous being the tale of Tamamo no Mae), and some other tales that describe Kitsune as males.

Some other Anime depicts them as having a gender, but being... elastic with it, being able if they want to shapeshift (Wagaya no Inari-sama ans others). But that's simple fandom speculation.

Remains that Kurama is admittedly a male and a Kitsune merely in shape (and remotely too, looking like he does like a warped mix between a fox and a rabbit that has been for a while part of the Beagle Boys, almost an evil cousin of Ryo-Ohki with an eye mask), he being an aware and intelligent mass of chakra given form. Add to this that, at least at my knowledge, he never took human form in the Manga nor in the Anime, and the point is moot.

Fem-Kurama fanfic range from good to crap, as per rule in the fanficdom. Trying to find a good Naruto fanfic in FF.net is like sifting through sewage to find the occasional gem. If well written, I do like them myself.

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