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Omni_Slayer commented at 2020-02-10 05:46:02 » #2490470

dat late night japanese tv.

1 Points Flag
HelTrigger commented at 2020-02-12 15:35:04 » #2491321

Honey, I'll ring your bell anytime, anywhere.

1 Points Flag
PhatCheecsChekoute commented at 2022-02-12 17:46:13 » #2688079

As you all know, Japan has always had a knack for porn. But they weren't so extra about it until Anime started REEEAALLY kicking ass. Thus, fanservice came along. Now you can just draw boobs and be on the same level as those people who actually try to make something good. But it's all good, since porn will never make it as big as something so impending like Dragonball. OBVIOUSLY it would be boring if we don't have the fucked up side of things too. Like Berserk or Mushoku Tensei. It's kinda like Twitter. It'd be boring if there wasn't that one retard saying stupid shit like "it's homophobic to not be gay" or other, more common dumbasses like the dudes still fighting the console wars. Or me who's writing this shit on a Hentai website.

2 Points Flag