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the_old_blood commented at 2019-11-04 21:41:33 » #2454552

When you ban winning fan art from a game that's known for its fan service, you know you're on a path to ruin.

22 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-11-04 22:03:40 » #2454557

What's this, now?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-17 00:59:37 » #2470444

This is such a shitty loading screen. It wasn't banned because "haha lets censor stuff we are le sjw now reeeeee" (LET ME REMIND YOU THEY ARE A CHINESE COMPANY AND "SJW" DONT EXIST IN CHINA), it was banned because the quality is SO. DAMN. BAD. compared to everything else that iit's horrible.

Oh and it was also banned because the artist literally bought his place in the competition and almost nobody voted this shitty art.

Besides, what's wrong with your comment!? "When you ban winning fan art from a game that's known for its fan service, you know you're on a path to ruin." Jesus fcking Christ you're so condescending that it's worrying.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-26 07:16:57 » #2473708

I think you're the only one here who thinks it's shit.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-20 01:01:16 » #2483081

I'm not the only one but I know the majority of this site (and anime fans in general) like this kind of art. I usually like it if it's not *bad* quality (LIKE THIS IS).

You know it's shit when Taihou has 2 knees on her right leg and everyone's boobs look like water balloons bolted on to their chests. Besides, their faces look nothing like the in-game official art (which sadly happens a lot in this game's loading art, but at least that other art doesnt have a character with two knees in one leg)

Also, it doesnt matter if the art is shitty or not; it won through illegitimate means. The artist basically bribed Yostar into putting it in the game literally for the lolz and admitted afterwards that he did a shitty job in purpose.

Maybe dont cry censorship when a lewd fanart is removed considering THAT Formidable loading screen STILL WAS in the game after this one got removed?
It seems y'all the real snowflakes.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-20 07:14:01 » #2483150

the art isnt really bad tbh but it doesnt fit with the other artstyle of the rest of the game imho

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-02-23 02:32:43 » #2495597

It wasn't removed for being low quality though. It was removed because people on Twitter complained that the loading screen was making them uncomfortable.

Which is really bizarre considering the rest of the content in the game.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-08 13:56:56 » #2524083

It's a bandwagon game, hoping to score some dough by riding on the popularity of Kancolle. Of course it 'll be shitty, because they can't think of an original concept and just want to make money (since China likes to fuck-over any sort of copyright, trademark, or patent toward that end)

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-14 18:33:53 » #2526909

It wasn't removed because the art was bad (it really isn't) or because the company cares about offending people (they most certainly don't); it was removed because the artist started shitting on the game's fan base as normies and lolicons.

4 Points Flag