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Anonymous commented at 2010-07-31 17:54:58 » #384999

Ohh... i wanna play a full game already :-)

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-13 08:02:49 » #950164

Katawa Shoujo will become the Half Life 3 of the VN world. ;_; So in which case, I suppose you can say it's disabled in itself because it has NO GAEM. Like a PS3? Like a PS3.

5 Points Flag
MechaShadowV2 commented at 2012-06-06 02:37:52 » #1086379

Seriously why are so many katawa shoujo images down voted? its a great VN and plenty of people seem to like it, is it just because of the people on here that hate anything western, since, technically, it is a western game?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-06-06 19:42:44 » #1086871

^ I think it's actually more likely that they get sick of seeing it. Maybe there isn't ACTUALLY that much fan art for it, but it seems like there is, sometimes.

I've gotten sick of seeing it before (probably because it's outside my area of interest), but that's no excuse to downvote something (which I don't do). If they really don't want to see it, they should just blacklist it, or get accounts so they can do that, if they don't have them to begin with.

This isn't the only series that gets downvoted like that, though. I've seen some people who hate some characters so much, they instantly downvote images of them as soon as they're posted, no matter how high-quality the artwork actually is.

2 Points Flag