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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-14 16:28:14 » #2409021

I thoroughly enjoy this drawing but I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed in her redesign. I'm fine with the changes to the top, a sports bra makes a hell of a lot of sense, but why a pleated skirt with thigh highs? was a side split mini too difficult? were shorts out of the question too? knee high would of been fine, ankle would of been the best, I mean damn man why y'all gotta take her legs too

sincerly an ass man

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-14 16:32:36 » #2409023

Because Zettai Ryouiki is Life and Truth you uncultured swine.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-16 00:15:50 » #2409597

You don't cover monuments like the pyramids, Big Ben, the Eiffel tower, or any other to show how great they are. You let them show bear and shine true.

Tifa's legs are a monument of the original ff7 just as much as Clouds buster sword and Barret's swearing. Covering them is a travesty and mockery of her original design. As quite literally her new design appeals to a more current taste as anon above so describe

leave the legs bare I say, stay true, because at the end of a good pair of legs is always an amazing ass

sincerely, An ass man

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-16 18:09:48 » #2409882

The pleated skirt is to deal with the ride up problem. The pleated version will always lay down properly after she back flip kicks something in the head; rather then resulting in the ecchi pantie shots that someone with Tifa's martial arts experience would take precautions against.
Come on Martial arts ecchi series, bike shorts are just as hot and make sense to put under a miniskirt if jumps, flips, and, high kicks are involved.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-16 18:35:05 » #2409892

"bike shorts are just as hot"


0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-17 13:25:34 » #2410189

To me the change to her bottom looks more like a change of personal preference in the artist than one forced from a change in game mechanics. The bike shorts would negate the need of any specific skirt that reduces visibility of an up-skirt shot so the changing of the skirt type for that reason is redundant.

A side split in the original skirt design would of been enough to allow high kicks and acrobatics without the skirt riding up and would of been closer to her original costume , and to restate, the bike shorts would take care of any weird camera angle that allowed any acrobatic panty shot.

Striving for as close to the original as possible should of been the target goal to inflame the nostalgia in the fan base so I hope there will be options for costume changes closer to the originals because that new skirt looks unusually bulky and the overall redesign looks more like a delinquent high school brawler girl than the badass bar chick I remember

1 Points Flag