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adriandragonus2 commented at 2019-07-14 10:29:26 » #2408870

not an anatomy expert so can anyone curves their foot that way?
if not then petition for 'bad anatomy' tag?

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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-14 10:40:44 » #2408872

IMO, yes, this is 'bad anatomy'.
Even if the artist was trying to get a dynamic angle with the curves or has a whiplike movement, this doesn't show that.
This looks more like the artist didn't plan their position and hit the border of the page and decided to improvise with this.
Honestly could've been salvaged with a jump kick pose where in this case you would see the base of the foot and heel is just hitting the edge of the page.

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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-16 15:10:05 » #2409823

A bit of a broken ankle but this only an exageration.
The perspective is very well handel, there is a lot of dynamism.

But we are here to fap, gentlemen, not to debate over the artist's skill

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