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Anonymous commented at 2019-05-15 07:45:48 » #2378436

yo this is kinda gay

32 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-15 09:05:49 » #2378478

Entirely gay you mean.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-15 10:26:27 » #2378510

The exact right amount of gay.

55 Points Flag
Zaurahel commented at 2019-05-15 15:27:21 » #2378630

Nah, it's bi at most.

Gay guys aren't interested in futas.

62 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-15 16:29:17 » #2378648

I wouldn't call this gay at all, in the hentai world futanari are still females only with a male member and a female member, they can still get pregnant and produce milk for babies, they just happened to have a penis too.

51 Points Flag
the_anthony commented at 2019-05-16 02:14:44 » #2378888

Gay? Not gay? All i know is that as soon as i saw this picture i got hard.

42 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-16 07:18:53 » #2378977

There is nothing gay about sucking a girls penis, homos.

78 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-18 06:30:42 » #2380005

It isn't gay you fools. Either you consider futanari as fully female, or as a third, distinct thing. In either case, it would not make you gay, because that implies it is of the same sex. Futanari is not half girl, half-guy. It is all female with the addition of a penis. If a girl has a dick but no vagina, she is either a tranny or a "new-half", or whatever it is called.

For it to be futanari, she needs to have both a dick and a pussy.

27 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-13 17:19:16 » #2393110

"For it to be futanari, she needs to have both a dick and a pussy."

No that's a hermaphrodite. There's also no such thing as a hermaphrodite who has both fully working male and female organs. Only one of the two will actually be functional. The person's sex is determined by their Xy or XX chromosome which is also usually which of the two organs is fully developed. hermaphrodites are more common than gingers. In most cases, it will be a female with a very enlarged clitoris (one and a half to two inches typically) or a male whos scrotal sac has an opening along with the bottom. There's also an extremely rare chance of being a fully intact male with ovaries but the organ usually dies and has to be removed.

Also, If you think sucking dick isn't gay I have some bad news for you, my friend.

In the real world, there is no such thing as a futa. They are all men who have transitioned to a female using hormone therapy. So if you were to ever suck a "futa" dick it would 100% be a man with a Xy chromosome. If you disagree you are wrong because this is literally fact.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-16 00:45:57 » #2394251

this is not meant to be a picture of the real world she's a futa which is a made up thing this is not gay in this made up picture ether beat you meat or find something else to beat to there is no other reason you should be here on this site other than to crank one out

11 Points Flag