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Anonymous commented at 2019-05-09 23:02:22 » #2376094

RIP those beautiful jugs.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-09 23:31:21 » #2376102

Our best hope is a PC version and mods.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-09 23:31:39 » #2376103

Glad we got some great shots and moments of Jessie and Aerith. Still haven’t gotten a good look at Tifa yet though which is probably intentionally done.

I know it’s unlikely she’s gonna be as thicc and curvy as we’d all like judging from how her higher res model looks and the current design or body type of the ladies in the more recent games but at least she’ll no doubt be beautiful. Besides we’ll always have the internet.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-10 17:18:24 » #2376337

From what I heard, her chest will be smaller than Advent Children, which was already reduced from the original. So I'd say her getting a realistic C cup would be optimistic.

0 Points Flag
Narak_the_red commented at 2019-05-10 19:39:11 » #2376372

I'm going to make a prediction that I feel is a pretty safe bet. She will be stacked, but much less so than in the original game, closer to how she looked in just about every piece of official media outside of her original model. That's because her huge tits were a happy little accident, supported by the aformentioned every piece of media, including her picture in the manual.

Some gamers will still yell that SJW ruined gaming and call for a boycott of Square-Enix. They'll still buy the game and every other games Squenix put out. Angry 13 years old on Tumblr who don't understand shits about what's the complaints about certain skimpy design will call Square-Enix a bunch of sexist pigs and call for a boycott. They'll still get their mom to buy the game. Someone will seek out a mod that makes Tifa even bustier than her original model, then they'll make an angry article about it on Kotaku. They won't uninstall the mod, though.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-10 23:17:31 » #2376415

Tifa's tits were never even that big. She was quite busty, yes, but she was nowhere near the milk monster she's depicted as in 99.9999999% of fanart. Her canon breast size is a fraction of what they are in this particular picture. Her shirt doesn't even have cleavage, and has never had cleavage in canon. I bet you anything her design will be exactly the same, but horny nerds who have had their perceptions of the character skewed by looking at too much hentai will bitch about how they "changed" it.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-11 21:06:02 » #2376841

Tifa's canonical bust size is 88 cm. That's a 34D in Western size. It's big for a tiny Japanese girl, but hardly titanic. Aeris isn't much smaller than her either. Her absurdly skimpy outfit, plus the low-poly modeling, plus hormones, plus choices by the programmers to do stuff like her victory pose where she shoves her tits out as far as she can (plus slut-shaming by thousands of resentful Aeris fanboys, including me, over the years who are still bitter that she won Cloud by default) is what's contributed to this distorted cultural image over what she really looks like. She's not the svelte female bodybuilder that you saw in Advent Children, but she's not the titty-monster artists depict her as either. As with so many things, the truth is in between.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-14 17:06:57 » #2378166

Amania orz have a tendencies to draw every character with gigantic breasts anyway, even the one canonically small-breasted.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-24 08:38:54 » #2383174

>>Tifa's canonical bust size is 88 cm.

You're wrong.
Tifa's measurements are 92(Bust)-60(Waist)-88(Hip) cm.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-29 10:32:47 » #2385541

Well no shit about Tumblr and Kotaku.
Tumblr is always a toxic wasteland, even in the Abyss is cleaner than this garbage.
And Kotaku, they write to shit to shittier, like this fuckers don't know moralty and faith in this cruel world.
Atleast reddit has some morals and faith.
While these two, they didn't even born to know that is!

2 Points Flag