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Anonymous commented at 2019-02-06 21:18:46 » #2333556

Leon didn’t even hesitate giving her a ride, I wonder why? Obviously it’s because he’s just a good guy.

4 Points Flag
HerrBlitzDiktator commented at 2019-02-06 21:38:40 » #2333563

You gotta admit that they have a lot of sexual tension in the remake.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-07 00:30:21 » #2333605

I think it’s because Leon has long since been established as an attractive, womanizing chick magnet. He pretty much hits it off with most girls he comes across.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-21 13:23:46 » #2339299

#2333605 Dear Anon, that would be wrong.

Very wrong. There is nothing womanizing about Leon, in any of the games that he has played a major role in, or even minor roles for that matter.
Resident Evil 2: The most he's done was kiss Ada? And even then it was touching, and wasn't 'womanizing' in the slightest. (cannot speak for the REmake, I would love to play it but cannot at the moment)
Resident Evil 4: While his personality was completely different from the second game, and he made one passive joke about Ashley's big butt, he politely declined her offer for 'overtime', and just took her back to her father. (The scene with Hunnigan without her glasses doesn't make him a womanizer.)
And I think you get the point. I blacked out during Leon's campaign in Resident Evil 6, but I know he doesn't make a single advance on any woman in that game, especially not Sherry. While I agree he is certainly a chick magnet, in every game except RE 6 (that stache looks terrible), he certainly isn't a womanizer, please look up the definition of a word before saying it next time - you apparently need to do so next time. You're welcome.

4 Points Flag