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Anonymous commented at 2019-01-27 21:39:22 » #2328507

Gohan should’ve given the other girl a shot, would’ve been interesting to see a potential blonde Saiyan. If he goes super, it’d probably just be same but spikier. But instead he went with Videl and made her less interesting and Gohan became less interesting to match her.

It is nice though that he’s banging the daughter of the guy who stole credit for him beating Cell and saving the world and than kind of got away with lying to the whole world.

4 Points Flag
naughtywulf commented at 2022-08-24 07:45:08 » #2741955

Despite Trunks and Bra being outliers, I don't think that's how it works, Mr. Eugenics. Besides, Toriyama left allegedly left out Launch so she wouldn't be confused with being a Super Saiyan when she sneezes. Why then would he made a quarter Saiyan child naturally blonde and make things even MORE confusing?

3 Points Flag