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Anonymous commented at 2019-01-24 04:29:13 » #2327346

Maybe have more of personality next time and you won’t come off as a screaming monster like Bane from Batman & Robin. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even make a friend.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-24 15:59:37 » #2327488

the new broly have someone, the old one only had his abusive father that brainwash him all the time, besides that been stabed many times traumatized him.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-28 00:06:23 » #2328575

Ah yes, perpetuating the myth that old Broly had no personality. Typical. I like that the DB community has collectively decided that Movie 8 doesn't exist and Movie 10's interpretation of the character is all there ever was. Good fandom.

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-28 21:49:00 » #2329158

Anon 3 is clearly a very special kind of stupid.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-29 21:09:52 » #2329596

I like both Broly types, for very different reasons. And I honestly feel the old one gets more flak because he took more subtle approaches that got overshadowed by his constant rage.

Broly from Movie 8 did not hate Goku just for crying as a baby. It wasn't that simple. It was his clear fighting potential and desire to battle that Broly, even as a baby, couldn't stand, much like Vegeta - but amplified. It left a scar on his psyche no different than any other PTSD, hitching a ride in his head right beside being stabbed and tossed in the garbage before the entire planet started blowing up around him. The one soul he managed to save - by accident - then bound him up for the remainder of his life, because all he knew was rage and hatred from near birth.

The very sound of Goku's voice, his every breath, was a constant, pounding reminder of that fateful day, every bit as cutting as the knife that followed. The two memories were bound together. And his rage was more than simple yelling. That's just all most remember because fuck all if he didn't do it a lot. But he also laughed and threw insults, as well as his vicious destruction of that alien world. He was a complete and utter monster. A near unstoppable force with brawn, speed, and sinister thoughts. He had no real ambition. He didn't need one. He was powerful, and using that power to destroy was easy as breathing out a sense of freedom and enjoyment.

Mind you, I'm just taking my own opinions here. If you want to boil him into a simple scream factory, go right ahead. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying there was more to him than that if you stop to look, but the delivery for all of it was rather lame.

New Broly is awesome as hell, but he isn't remotely the same character. He isn't really a legendary SSJ. He's a prodigy, for sure - much like Goku and Vegeta, which the movie really tries to sink home. Three prodigies destined for greatness, all born as if by need from a world about to meet it's end. The saiyajins themselves are just workhorses, slaves of a kind. You can nearly pity them. The old versions were hardly deserving of such emotions. They were warriors, bred for battle and simple to that aim. The new movie humanizes them for better or for worse. It shows that some were just regular folk; non-warriors, really. Freeza and his father weren't making use of a rather cruel and ravenous race of fighters, but instead, were stealing their freedom of choice to be anything else. If left alone, as Universe 6 shows, they may have been rather calmed after a time. But things went as they did and we got this new Broly. A survivor. A beast with a somber heart that, nearly like Gohan, didn't really care for battle - until he finally tasted the real thing (unlike said Gohan to that end).

But again, he didn't carry the weight of a legend, and wasn't seemingly meant to. He was just another amazing saiyajin that had suffered for far too long and had made due. He's a welcome addition. A mixture of many archetypes. But to me, he is less imposing as a force, and made more astounding more by better visuals and a broader delivery of character. Both of them work for me.

I hope people can still find a way to appreciate the original without simplifying him just to join the bandwagon. And I also hope that people can love the new version, too! It's honestly a win for us all as fans to have both versions to enjoy. ^__^

Rant done.

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-31 08:23:01 » #2330911

yall retarted for keeping this joke of a franchise alive jfc

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-03 12:14:05 » #2332137

Pay attention to anon #5 class, this is whats known as head canon.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-05 03:21:51 » #2332795

You're missing the point I'm trying to make. The important one, anyway. And that's that, all in all, weren't *both* Broly's truly good enough to be drawn smashing Chirai round ass more often, in a multitude of positions and forms?

I'm just a man with dreams. ^__^

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-07 01:16:20 » #2333618

It's nice headcanon #2329596. But nothing more than just that at the end of the day.

7 Points Flag
ViperVice commented at 2019-02-09 20:29:34 » #2334580

Thing isn't he doesn't have a personality that is the cliche of a cliche. People make fun of what personality is there is diluted because older Broly was viewed as this legendary monster a power of pure hate and evil. He was viewed as a spectale of power as no one expects broly to show up and bring his well written backstory they wanna see him utterly wreck the Z fighters.

New Broly does that why also having a decent.standard backstory I mean I didn't expect much of anything just enough to try and at least justify his actions other than just being the big monster who smashes things.

5 Points Flag