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angelscream commented at 2019-01-21 18:20:17 » #2326450

TBH, I think I'm gonna drop this series, story is getting lame and kinda getting fed up with OP MCs, tried reading the manga but still got bored it's just the character setting that makes me not to like shows like this.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-21 18:54:13 » #2326466

please tell us more about how you will no longer watch the show... I am enthralled by your courageous tale...

110 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-22 00:50:01 » #2326557

Why you guys talking shit that nobody cares instead of talking about the image??

28 Points Flag
whodatmyke commented at 2019-02-08 00:01:51 » #2333936

now all we need is the weird creepy poorly worded response about someone's fantasy for this picture and this will be a complete microcosm of gelbooru comment threads as a whole.

27 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-08 12:19:01 » #2334078

@whodatmyke: allow me!

dat ass was all i could dream about after that day. our discussion of animes camera angels forgotten, i slime into her house and slime her with slime. i enter all places with my slime. she cum. i cum. it goot to be slime. i wake up and it was all a dream so i go now to kill self to go and be slime for realz.

How's that? Decently weird, creepy, and poorly worded?

44 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-09 20:34:17 » #2334581

i feel the same, i dislike that everyone gets overpowerd now, im fine with rimurus powerlevel and millims too, but not every other char (like the ogers vs the orc army, that was way to fast ). and why is every monster getting a cool human form? let there be some more monsters in the group

6 Points Flag