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Anonymous commented at 2018-11-25 20:38:23 » #2306320

Phoenix Wright should be a fighter. Hopefully he'll be one of the five DLC fighters. The other four I want are Shantae, Ash Ketchum, Chun Li and Goemon.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-11-25 21:47:38 » #2306347

Anon1: Don't know why you'd want Ash. We already have Pokemon Trainer, who is just better Ash Ketchum anyways. Not to mention Pikachu is ALREADY in and we all know that Ash depends on that little runt. Goemon? From Mystical Ninja Goemon? Was that a video game first before it was an anime? I can agree with Shantae and Phoenix Wright. I also agree with Chun-Li, but I doubt we'll get another Street Fighter. But if we do, it SHOULD be her.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-11-25 21:48:09 » #2306348

Eh, Ash lands in the same spectrum as Goku: Anime character. Shantae would be sweet though, but with her status as a spirit i doubt she will be avaiable in the near future. But Phoenix, i don't see that happening with him already being playable in MVC.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-11-27 09:36:26 » #2306912

@ Anon 3
Ash is actually based on Red, the player character from Pokemon Red, Green(Blue for English releases) & Yellow. And in case you forgotten, Mega Man was also in the MvC series yet he's playable in Smash. Also, Spirit does not equal disqualification for Smash inclusion. Look at Male Wii Fit Trainer, he's on the roster yet he's also a Spirit.

2 Points Flag
Mr._Jive commented at 2018-11-28 03:13:13 » #2307226

Chun li is the only one that make sense. The others are bad idea. Ash is a damn anime character. Stop asking for anime characters.

1 Points Flag
CharsDeleted初号機 commented at 2018-12-04 12:36:55 » #2310265

I thought Phoenix and Maya would be a cool ice-climber-like duo. One of the B moves can involve a ladder, or Maya in the Maid outfit from Tres Bien, of course other potentials involve the Magatama.

1 Points Flag