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goawaygoonie666 commented at 2019-04-16 03:43:00 » #2365210

That almost as foul as watching two boys do the same thing.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-23 16:16:25 » #2398050

That’s like saying seeing a naked man and a naked woman are essentially the same thing which it isn’t. A guy’s locker room and undies aren’t coveted the same way that a girl’s panties or locker room are. I guess you could say objectively, without context, preference or taste and disregarding sex and sexuality say that there is no difference but things are rarely that completely objective and certainly not on here.

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LivingCorpse commented at 2019-06-23 16:27:02 » #2398056

What anon said, either because of nature or nurture, women are automatically sexulized by others without having to do anything simply cause of the knowledge they are female. Men on the other hand are most times not normally sexulized unless they do something or the individual is exceedingly attractive.

3 Points Flag
Omni_Slayer commented at 2019-06-24 04:04:57 » #2398283

That's because the female body is inherently sexual in nature.

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