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EricFong - Group: Member - Total Posts: 453
Posted on: 05/26/10 08:41AM

I write them all in my empty notebook when i have free time in school. I will put some more up next time.

Mastermind - Group: Member - Total Posts: 217
101st Post...
Posted on: 05/26/10 03:05PM

Oh, Eric. Your post above was the 100th post on this thread. Yay. I congratulate this popular thread.

Rikko-43 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1438
Posted on: 05/26/10 04:14PM

That traveler sure has some bad luck, now the traveler knows how i felt when i swallowed some bubble slime, not as good as milk, or holstaurus milk (something coming up in my story.

Mastermind wins post #100, For that A.M.E. will make him happy...oh and mastermind...if she isnt happy with you today...*hears a chainsaw revving in background* :P

*hmm i think you may be one off the #100 mark Mastermind, this is the 102nd post i just posted i think Eric may have won but if he did, same rules apply with A.M.E...*

Mastermind - Group: Member - Total Posts: 217
Posted on: 05/26/10 07:01PM

I think Chrome, uh Mastermind, was congratulating Eric for posting #100, got it buddy?

*pushes Faceless aside* Don't mind him, he's got the King of Clubs in his hat, and that means he you can piss him off easily.

Rikko-43 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1438
TA - 14 Needs more Cowbell.
Posted on: 05/27/10 12:43AM

(Dureo) Hey Rikko, you misread it, no milk for you.
(Rikko) Damnit old man, even zombies need milk, Im too tired to fight you. *yawns but instead a bone chilling zombie moan comes out, freezing everyone else in fear*
...Holy...I didnt know zombies could do that, I wanna do it agai...*smashed by excas fist*
(Exca) N-n-never do that ag-g-gain *shivering in fear*

(Rikko) hey who told me got it buddy I? ...who the hell is that masked man over there *opens mouth to moan*

(Dureo) ahahahahaha no that wasnt supposed to happen *closes curtains* What the hell are you doing in this place, your Masterminds group, no helping until the epic final few chapters.

(Rikko) hey anyone notice our story style is different. Be right back ill fix it. you all can go to bed now I'll be fine. And dureo who was that...*face shoved with a new sweeter kind of milk never tasted by Rikko before. It had a symbol of a humanoid cow creature on it, It said Holstaurus Milk on the bottle* *gulp* ...THATS THE BEST MILK EVER...oh crap theyre sleeping, ill see you later Dureo.

"Hmph that worked" said Dureo happily "hey look the text is fixed. Oh and you faceless freak of nature...Shut the hell up and dont interfere with these events or I will destroy you with powers beyond your Imagination!!."

The masked figures face turned really angry looking. Dureo turned around and launched an very small red ball that slipped into Rikkos back.

"that ought to help your powers kid...OW stupid I'll kill you! *trying to see what happens when a pouchobeast (pokemon pun) card is placed in Faceless' hat*"

TA - 14 Needs more Cowbell
(word of warning, This chapter is filled with cheesy but entertaining humor)

It was almost dark and most of the group had fallen asleep. All but Rikko who was thinking about this new milk he had earlier. There was a sign pointing to a nearby farm, in the dark field he could barely see anything. He wiped his eyes trying to see when his vision turned into a black and white style of night vision.

"Oh sweet zombie vision, this must be how A.M.E. sees" said Rikko to himself. It was then he noticed a holstaurus in the distance. "Bingo, time to get a drink" he began to sneak around the field *cue M.I. Theme*

He flattened himself to the ground, empty, glass bottle in hand. Then he pressed himself against a rock. He looked to see her grooming herself. He could see no udder like on normal cows. He saw her look over so he quickly hid behind the rock again. When she looked away he tried to sneak around in a large half circle. But tripped over a rock.
"..s..rock..mph ow.." he kept laying down and began to sneak over, the tall grass hindered his view. He belived he was right behind her, he could smell the milk (in his mind). He popped up out of the grass.

"HA!! wha?" he was way off, in fact he had crept around right in front of her and popped up next to her. She had a necklace with two small cowbells on it and worn overalls, large breasts, due to the zombie zision he couldnt make out any real colors on her. She stared at Rikko with that usual, bored look cows have ( then she came up to Rikko.

"Hooyah" Rikko did some weird ninja-like pose which was just a random pose. He was ready to battle. Instead she pushed her breasts in his face. "...*gasp* get offa me please I cant breathe...*gasp*. He escaped and she followed, mimicking his steps, when he stopped she stopped, when he walked she walked. He turned around to confront her. She was gone.

"whoo guess she got bored, darn no milk" he began to walk back when he smacked right into the same large breasts that smothered him earlier.

"I like those glowing white eyes you have" she said, she had a more southern tone to her accent (think like Ellis' voice from Left 4 Dead 2). "Owner here's been gone for awhile and the only others like me here are normal, boring cows. No one to love me here, I just kinda snuck into this field, Illegal for me to even exist so i come here when I need space."

"..uh..uh..uh..c-can you please let go of me?" Rikko asked trying to get his face out of her breasts. her voice grew angrier.

"NO, ill love you until Im satisfied, its boring 'round here, dont care if youre a zombie or something..."

"Wait how did you know im a zombie?"

"well for one your skin is pale, 2 the eyes, 3 your skins warm but colder than a normal humans, now ill have some fun with you!"

Rikko flailed about and escaped and began to run back to his friends. The holstaurus charged after him with a slightly angry face on her. "A.M.E.!! HELP!! PLEASE!!"

A.M.E. Snapped out of her light sleep and looked around to see her best friend being chased by another girl, she grew jealous and began to chase. Alas her clumsiness worked against her once again she tripped Rikko down and fell over herself. The holstaurus leaped onto Rikko. A.M.E. Realized what was going to happen and instead of pushing her off, she decided to take advantage of this moment. She started to unzip her old leather clothing and got on Rikko too, much to Rikko's dismay.

With all the running and two girls removing his clothes, he was too far away to yell and wake up his friends. The night was filled with moaning and mooing of two girls and Rikko. Rikko couldn't fight back due to A.M.E.'s immense strength despite her figure. "...oh well no milk tonight" thought Rikko "but at least Ive helped two girls out with their needs, I'm too tired to take all of us back to the campsite"
He fell asleep under the warm body of the holstaurus and the slightly cold body of A.M.E., all too tired to get dressed again.

"zzzzzz" Rikko, A.M.E. and the holstaurus were all sleeping in a pile, Rikko on the bottom.

"Riiiikooo" said a voice "Riiiko, wake up Lad, dont let your girl see you like this...too late"

"zzz" *slapped*

"RIKKO!!" Rikko was wide awake and surprised from the shock, the two girls on him woke up too, his vision was back in color and no longer black and white. Exca was hovering over him with an irritated look on her face. "well...looks like you had fun last night...A.M.E. you should know better, all of you get dressed, you too "lover boy". And who are you?" She saw her large breasts and blushed a little. " get dressed too whoever you are. Hey everyone, we found them!!!" The remaining members of the group gathered around, the harpies began giggling at the sight.

"Hehehe I'm Tava missy, here let me take those bottles off yalls hands." Though getting dressed she left behind the same rock Rikko hid behind last night. She had Medium length Red hair, and green eyes, her cowlike parts were black, brown and white. When she returned, her breasts were slightly smaller, and she had her clothing put all the way back on, all the bottles of milk were filled. She handed some out to everyone. "well go on, try some..." Everyone began drinking, they all thought it was delicious. "...its from my own breasts themselves, thats where our delicious holstaurus milk comes from ya know." Everyone spit the milk out in similar fashion to this:
All except Rikko who stopped drinking, looked at the bottle, looked at Tava's now re-expanding breasts, looked at the milked, shrugged, and continued drinking.

" milk ever" said Rikko satisfied, he was about to yawn again when the same moan he made earlier started to happen. Everyone except Tava covered their ears. Nava was stunned with fear and began shaking but quickly recovered. The birds in the nearby trees had been stunned with fright too, some even falling off the branches.

"Well..." began Mir'la "shall we continue to this nearby harbor town". She took up residence sitting on Excas shoulders. She was light enough that it didnt bug her at all.

"well Lad and Lasses, lets go, our fun adventure must continue, besides, it's boring around here" the group began heading down the road, saying goodbye to their new milk giving friend.

Half an hour passed and soon the group was tired and starting to smell. They came over the old forest river, a river that stretched from the northern mountains all the way into the nearby ocean. They all decided to bathe and wash up. As they were bathing, the slimes touched the water and soon dove in. They grew to a gargantuan size, even bigger than the group if it was stacked up on each other. This also clogged the river a little bit but not much. After awhile the slimes swelling went down and everyone continued to clean themselves. Rikko saw something in the trees, then he heard small bells ringing.

"whos there? he asked. everyone turned to see what it was. A Figure leaped from the foliage and landed with a large splash.

"Howdy yall!!" yelled the girl. It was Tava. Hehe I got bored so I followed you to see whats up with this so called fun adventure, so whens the fun start...ooh youre all bathing, I know what to do". She dove underwater. Then Rikko felt a tug of hands towards his legs.

"oh no Exca get her off please!"

Exca swam over and splashed her hand into the water". a stunned Tava floated up with a bump on her head. The rest of the bath was peaceful and molestation free.

They later continued on down the path, a holstaurus following from behind humming. The town was soon in sight.

"Welcome to Jolly Roger Bay: Trade Capital"

The group disguised the monsters and headed into the town, Knights watched them carefully as they walked in but could seem to care less, probably bribed by local pirates to allow things. It was then they noticed something. A Wanted poster for Dureo, then one for them.

"...shit" the group said altogether.

Yeah only one chapter this time. Sorry hehehe.

Yup Rikkos zombie abilities are starting ti appear. Should come in handy in the dark or in a pinch. and he got some fun from two girls this time, though that wasnt his intention.

Holstaurus milk - Good for a boost to your skills,and can heal a little, very healthy milk. Besides I wouldnt see anything wrong with drinking milk from a holtaurus' breast, The milk we drink in our homes is pretty much the breast milk of a cow (the udder) though refined.

hehe Dureo and faceless are arguing, must be Faceless' King of Clubs and Dureos temper and ego clashing.

Mastermind - Group: Member - Total Posts: 217
Chapter 12: Semiliquid Treasures
Posted on: 05/27/10 09:16AM

Guess who's gonna break up Faceless' and Dureo's arguing.

Arashi: Hey! Back off old man!


Arashi raised her tail, ready for a stab.

Takara: Whoa, hold on! Ease up everyone!

Tensions began to rise. But then a voice, twice as scary as Skol's sounded from nowhere.

???: Cease this pitiful scuffle.

Dureo: This doesn't involve you Skol guy!

???: Skol? I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. Mwahahahaha!

A shadowy figure appeared before them.


Arashi: Ahh! Grotto! Chrome! Help!

Takara: Don't leave me here Arashi!

The King of Clubs became white with blankness, and Faceless' mask changed to O.O!

Faceless: I'm gonna go now. AHHHHH!

Dureo: Time to split! *teleports away*


Terrorking Archfiend: Soon, the archfiends will be known to all. hahaha *disappears into darkness*

Okay, moving on with the story.

On our way to the eastern coast, we become aware of a few Slime captures. They usually aren't considered valuable, but it was different this time. There is a legend of five different Slimes who hold one gemstone within their bodies. Each of which, is an object of surpassing beauty and priceless worth. We used the radar on the stratus to locate the machine that captures slimes, the Vacuum Mechanism (or V.M. for short). It an enourmous robot with an egg shaped base, one eye, tank treads to move, vacuum tube arms, and five glass tanks; one of which is three times larger than the others. Our plan: defeat the V.M. and save the Slimes.

We saw it from the Stratus in an open field. We could see that the tanks were already full with several colors of slimes. We land the ship and ran to the V.M. No one stayed behind, it was an all out fight this time. We soon came face to face with the V.M.

VM: *beep beep whirrr*

Chrome: Alright, here we go. Grotto, Skol, Take the robot down. Jason, you and I will cover them. Faceless, Takara, Arashi, try to free the Slimes.

everyone else: Yes sir!

Grotto: Charged at the VM and gave it a good punch. It was sent stumbling backwards a bit. Skol used his darkness to bind the VM. A cannon came from its top and started to fire at random directions. Jason and I shot at the blasts to keep them away. Faceless and the girls went behind the VM and jumped onto the tanks.

Faceless: Don't worry. We'll get you out of here.

Red Slime: Please hurry.

Arashi went towards to the base of one tank.

Arashi: Let's see what happens when I break this.

She used her tail to stab a latch that held the tank in place. It broke and a Bubble Slime crawled out.

Takara: One down, four to go!

The VM noticed that it lost a tank, so it tried to shake them off.

Faceless: Hold still you! Paralyser! (Paralyze)

Lightning came from Faceless' gloved hand and the robot was electrocuted, it couldn't move. Takara, Faceless, and Arashi continued to break off tanks, but since the spell didn't stop the cannon, we were still busy.

Chrome: You almost done Faceless!?

Faceless: Just one more!

The Queen Slime's tank was the last one, but it was stuck a bit tighter.

Arashi: It won't break!

Takara: My magic isn't cutting it!

Faceless: Mine's not either!

Chrome: Grotto, help them out.

Grotto: Yes sir!

Grotto climbed on the VM and went to help Faceless out.

Grotto: Let me try.

Takara: It's all yours big guy.

The three of them got out of Grotto's way. He grabbed the sides of the tank and ripped it right off the robot's back. He jumped off the VM and opened the tank, releasing the Queen Slime. She crawled out to join the other Slimes.

Chrome: Skol, finish it off!

Skol: With pleasure.

A spear of shadows formed in Skol's hand, and he threw it right at the VM's eye. The spear exploded in the robot, and disintegrated it into dust. The battle was over.

Everyone went to the Slimes to see if they were okay.

Chrome: Are all of you alright?

Queen Slime: Yes, we're okay. Thank you. I am Queen Nyotei.

Nyotei: The dark slime is Amethyst, the bubble slime is Peridot, the blue slime is Sapphire, and the red slime is Garnet.

Takara: What's that thing floating in you?

Takara pointed at something shiny in Nyotei's chest.

Nyotei: Oh, that's my Diamond Heart. Each of us has a Gem Heart in our chests. We're named after the kind of gemstone found in us, except me.

(Nyotei-女帝 is the Japanese word for empress)

Takara: Oooooo...

Skol: TAKARA! Don't touch the gems!

Takara has a thing for treasures and other things like that. She loves it. In fact Takara-宝 is the Japanese word for treasure.

Skol: Those gems are their life! If you rob them of it, they will die.

She is, however, smart enough to know what not to do, and she can fight her temptations if it means taking a life.

The legends were true, In the chest of each slime was beautiful, and decent sized, gemstone. I knew that they would never be safe out here. We needed someone really powerful and trustworthy to keep them safe. Perhaps someone like Vennominaga? Until we found someone like that, they will have to come with us. We walked back to the Stratus, but was startled by Skol's sudden outburst.


Grotto: Who are you yelling at Skol?

Skol: Uh, it's nothing Grotto. Let's just get back to the ship.

Grotto: Hmm.

Mastermind - Group: Member - Total Posts: 217
Powers of the Undead 1
Posted on: 05/27/10 12:07PM

I would like to add a little something to Rikko's story. I hope this is acceptable.

While Rikko was sleeping, his subconscious was sent to another realm, one like the Underworld. He was facing an entity wearing a tattered red cloak. It was a skeletal being with black colored bones. Black wings could be seen on its back, and it wore a worn-out gold band around its head. Nails seemed to be holding the robe in place. It was also holding a wooden staff with a faint light coming from the knob at the end.

???: Welcome Rikko, I've been expecting you, my zombie friend.

Rikko: Where am I? What's going on? Who are you?

???: I am Lich Lord, King of the Underworld, and ruler of zombies.

Lich Lord: I have transported your subconscious to my Realm of the Undead to help you realize your potential.

Rikko: But I'm not a zombie, I'm just half.

Lich Lord: Ah, but you are capable of powers much like my own.

Rikko: Huh?

Lich Lord: You see, you've become half-zombie because of you abilities; a gift, you may say, to control zombie powers like no other simple human could ever do!

Rikko: Really?

Lich Lord: Yes, even now, your powers have begun to awaken.

Rikko: What, you mean that moan?

Lich Lord: *sigh* Yes...that moan. It is known as The Call of the Haunted. It is mearly at its first stages in you now, but it will soon go from a moan to screech. Once fully awakened, you will be able to strike fear into even the mightiest of foes. Like this:


Rikko: Ah! That's loud! ...huh? How come I'm not shaking in fear.

Lich Lord: The Call of the Haunted has no effect on some types of zombies. Be mindful of that.

Rikko: Uh, okay, but why me.

Lich Lord: Like I said before dear boy, you have a gift of the undead. I know that not everyone wants this kind of blessing, but you'll learn to appreciate it.

Rikko: Uh, okay.

Lich Lord: Our time is almost up. Before you go, take this.

He tossed Rikko something wrapped in black rags. It felt cold.

Lich Lord: Terrorking told me you would like that.

Rikko: Who?

Lich Lord: Eh, nothing.

Rikko: Hold on, if this is a dream, how am I gonna take this back with me?

Lich Lord: *chuckle* Things aren't always as they seem dear boy. May your adventures be prosperous.

Everything went dark, then Rikko found himself awake in his own world, with Lich Lord's gift still in his hands. Rikko unwrapped the black rag to reveal...a cold bottle of milk.

Rikko: YAY!

EricFong - Group: Member - Total Posts: 453
Posted on: 05/27/10 10:32PM

XD, love how mastermind did on Rikko.
Thanks everyone. :D

If you wonder how a USMC look like, they should be similiar as Eric on the left(me), Jeff is base on some kind of terrorist.

Chapter 10: part 2

Traveler: Hey, i can move again.

After the spell has been undo, Eric take out his fireaxe and walk toward traveler as traveler's back is facing Eric...

Lisa: Eric?
Traveler: Where Eric? *Cha* Uh...
Eric: Hehe, without you, thing goes easy.

Eric stab traveler on the heart with the pick on fireaxe.

Judith: *Frightened* E-Eric...
Lisa: What are you doing!?

Eric walk toward Lisa. Lisa step backward as Eric walk toward to her.

Lisa: Eric, no, don't-don't make me do that.
Eric: *deep tone* You can't.

Eric grab Lisa's sword and throw it at Judith and hit Judith at the shoulder, Judith cry because of the pain.

Eric yanked Lisa's dress and cut it open with his knife, revealing Lisa's breast.

Lisa: Eric... but why?
Eric:*Deep tone* Just because i love you, hehehe.

Eric grin and rub on Lisa's breast.

Lisa: Not... like this...

Jeff run out from darkness and stab Eric of the neck with a
red syringe, 'K-1993' is written on it.

Eric: Agh, What the fuck!
Jeff: I has been waiting for 'you'!
Eric: You can't... get rid of... me...

Eric passed out.


I witness all of this but i am unable to stop it, it is time to end this!

???: Hm, look like your friend has stopped you.
Eric: Shut the fuck up! I told you not to touch her! It is time to get you out of my head!

I charge toward to another 'me' and leap on him then i start punching him on the face, he push me away and kick me on the floor, when he is about to stomp me, i roll away and kip up.

Eric: I haven't done yet!

I grab him, preform a CQC hand to hand technique i learn from training in boot camp and shoulder throw him, i elbow drop on him then i sit on him, when i was about to break his neck, the girl appear again.

Girl: Be careful...

I break his neck and stomp on his head, gore-some kill.



Jeff: If he lose, he won't be 'Eric' anymore, if he does, well...
Judith: It hurt...
Jeff: I guess the morphine effect went off?
Eric:*In pain* Hmmm...

I open my eye, seeing Lisa and wounded Judith in worry face.

Lisa: Eric...
Eric: Did i rip your dress?

Lisa nod and hug me.

Jeff: How hard is that guy?
Eric: Huh?
Jeff: Nevermind.
Eric: Judith, Lisa, i am sorry, forgive me.
Judith: Hmm.*smile and nod*
Lisa: I am not angry.

Eric: My radio. Jeff: My radio too.
James:"Tssh" This is James, did someone copy, over."tsh"
Jeff: This is Jeff, tell us your position, over.
James:"ths" Forget it, every time i try to escape, she take me back to her nest."tsh"
Eric: 'She'? Who do you mean by that?
James:"tsh" That dragon which take out my copter, she rape me every night!"tsh"
Jeff: Night? How can you tell, you are in a cave.
James:"tsh" It has a large hole on top of it."tsh"
Jeff: Roger, Jeff out.
Eric: Dragon?
Jeff: Another kind of mamono.
Eric: Wait, by the way, where is that guy?
Jeff: Hes dead, killed by 'you'.
Eric: Dammit! *Hit wall with fist*


Jeff: That must be the dragon, it must be close by, let's save James!

Chapter 10 end.

Eric-Personal Clash.

Rikko-43 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1438
Dureos secret project. TA - 15 Pirates of the Jolly Bay (Intermission: Kracila) TA - 16 Blood Money
Posted on: 05/28/10 01:28AM

Actually that behind the scenes story fits in well with what should happen. And by screech do you mean like the redeads from LoZ: Wind Waker?


"OOOOOh shiny shiny began Dureo eyeing the slimes jewels, he ran towards him with his arms outstretched. He moved to fast to be caught. He made it to the slimes...and ran right past them to a small piece of gold nearby. "This'll help my...whatre you all staring at...oh you thought I'd actually take the life of an innocent slime to get treasure, shame on you skull boy and...half shiny metal man. Ive got big plans for all the gold I'm collecting, something that'll help with Rikko when the time comes. Ciao"
TA - 15 Pirates of the Jolly Bay

"AHHHHH!! that was a refreshing drink" Rikko said as they awoke from the Inn. No one had even attempted to assassinate them overnight due to the fact the town was full of wanted men and women who look out for each other, killing any bounty hunters who came into the bay. "...strange dream" He began to yawn but Mir'la shoved a pillow in his face as he did, it kept the moan quiet though it could be heard and sent shivers down every ones back but didnt freeze them in place.

"Y-you need to learn to control that!" yelled Exca while picking up her books. "now lets see if we can find a boat or ship to take us to the other side of that large, heavily guarded ridge" she pointed out a window, a large nearly 90 degree angle. Very tiny dots were temple knight flags billowing very far away.

They left the Inn and headed to the harbor, unaware of the temple knight warriors following them from behind. The rogues and pirates in the area were giving them dirty looks, some even unsheathing their weapons and creeping towards them.

"Block their path" yelled one, They're after them." The old scarred rogue pointed to the groups wanted poster, the other rogues listened and formed a human barricade. By this time the group had heard and saw and were running towards the harbor.

"I dont see any boats 'round here we can use yall." said Tava looking around at the boats. She seemed to be enjoying this thrill of being chased and wanted.

"Aye mates, you wanted too?" came a low grumbling voice nearby. The group turned to see a very tough looking, old pirate Captain. He had a long scraggly, gray, full beard (complete with sideburns, scars littered his face and visible arms, a few of his fingers were missing, and a large black pipe in his mouth. He wore thick blue and red jacket with a white shirt underneath. When he smiled several of his teeth were short, knife like razors, each tinted a different color. (Green, pink, un-tinted, and blue)
"I'll be happy to let you and your...ladies on to my ship, WHAT'DYA SAY BOYS!" he yelled towards his boat. A crew of ruffians yelled and cheered on the deck. "hehe guess thats a yes. Welcome aboard, Im Captain Bladetooth...umm whos that behind you." Everyone turned around. There was a tall robed man behind them, most of his features were covered by his heavy, gray robes.

"..." the man was silent. Bladetooth nodded.

"well if youre looking for a ship, I'll take you wherever, you all better pay." he grinned and was staring more at the girls than anything else. "Or...there are other negotiations". Exca pulled a large satchel of gold off of Rockefellers back and handed it to the captain. He slapped her ass as she passed by.

"Touch me like that again and I will trap you in a nightmare so horrifying youll never want to sleep again when you wake!" she yelled as she walked up the boat. Kracila stuck her tongue out at him while sitting on excas shoulders.

"Ohohoho, feisty ones." Said Bladetooth as everyone boarded his ship. The temple knights had broken through by force, in greater numbers. They ran towards the Departing ship. But the ship was too far out. "HAHAHA, you land lubbers cant catch us!" yelled Bladetooth towards the knights. "Ok land lubbers, just to let ya know, if youre up for some hunting, well be "draining" money from a potential source. You'll see soon enough."

The water was clear, the air fresh, and drinks and food, and work were all around. Though many of the Pirates kept winking and trying to approach the girls. Bugged to the point of irritation, Exca forced Rikko to "The Call of the Haunted" as Rikko called, claiming he heard it in a dream. Afterwards the crew didnt bug the girls nearly as much. The robe wearing quiet man was sitting near the group, he had not even acknowledged the group or hit on any of the girls. Something that made the group feel more comfortable near him.

"So whats your name?" asked Exca. The man remained silent. He looked at Exca then went back to staring at the sea.

"...The Sea..." he said. He had a deep voice, but it was calming. "...must defeat her..." he muttered. Exca didnt hear the second part. She returned to the group and began teaching Mir'la, her spells had gotten alot better but she still had a very long way to go.

"Oy' Cap!" yelled the lookout standing on the platform at the top of the main topmast. "SIRENS HO!!!"

"Get yer Earplugs in everyone!" yelled Bladetooth. All the crew members had put their plugs in. He threw some to the group. "Dont worry ladies, their song seems to have more of an effect on men then women." Rikko had put his on, Rockefeller was putting his in, and the stranger didnt even respond to all of this.

A strong wave hit the boat and knocked the earplugs out of one of the crew members, and one out of Rikkos ear. A.M.E. grabbed hold of Rikkos arms just in case. Soon a lovely, charming song was heard. Rikko began to sway and hum with it, Exca got a slight headache from it but no other major effects. The strange, robed man, despite not having his earplugs in, was seemingly unaffected though he slightly swayed, he maintained his balance and quickly recovered.

"So lovely." said the pirate. He leaped overboard and towards the rocks nearby. The crew watched, with slightly saddened faces at the loss of a crew mate. They saw him climb up the rocks and was tackled down by a harpy like mamono who began to strip him then molest him on the spot. Rikko was soon affected but A.M.E. held him down. Avir found his earplug and put it back into his ear. Rikko leaned over and let out a terrifying moan louder than the last ones. It pierced through everyone's earplugs and soon the entire crew, group, stranger, and nearby Sirens were shivering in fear, longer than normal as well. A.M.E. was unaffected, having grown used to it due to her type. (Homunculus, Undead). Rikko had a mischievous look on his face as the rocks faded out of view, everyone removed their earplugs. a Storm was brewing ahead.
(Intermission: Kracila)

" sorry my master" said kracila, kneeling. "I...I underestimated these weaklings hired by that fool mage and angel...I swear on my soul I wont fail you again.

"...Very well, I shall hold you to that..." her soul was split from her and held in a large red hand. "Go my servant, and DO NOT fail me!"

"Thank you Lord, I shall not fail again." replied Kracila. A portal leading to the overworld appeared before her and the baphomet stepped through it.

*Dureo and Marliala*

"Y-you feel that Dureo" said Marliala.

"Yeah...shes back" Replied Dureo. They were watching the ship from a nearby rock. "there appears to be a storm coming in, hope they're prepared".
TA - 16 Blood Money
A heavy rainstorm rocked the ship. Everyone moved inside the cabins.

"Did I ever tell yall 'bout the time my friend Kreisha was trapped in a castle full of zombies...on fire?!...shoot she had to to team up with three others to get out..." Tava was telling some stories in a fashion that seemed familiar somehow.

The storm went on but the waters calmed down. Bladetooth muttered some things to the stronger crew mates. they grabbed a net and headed outside. It was very dark due to the storm. Rikko was wondering what was going on. He focused and his vision eventually went black and white. He crept outside. Rockefeller saw this and followed. Rikko saw them haul something up with a net. From what he could make out, it was a large fish. They tied it up and hung it over a pole. It was then he saw what it really was.

"A...mermaid?" said Rikko
"A what lad?" replied Rockefeller slightly startling Rikko. They headed back in to see if Exca knew anything.

"..and its worth ALOT on the black market, the blood extends life and heals wounds, if from what we believe is true, they're "Draining" money from them." Everyone gasped. "we got to stop the..."

"I saw you out there!" roared Bladetooth from behind. He grabbed Rockefeller and his blue tooth shot into him, he fell over sleeping. A.M.E. Ran at the captain but His pink tooth shot into her. Within seconds A.M.E. was hugging and cuddling up to him. Exca immediately casted a Charm Block spell. "No good young lady, these teeth pierce all resistances." He pointed at Exca and A.M.E. grabbed her and threw her towards him. He bit into her but before the blade made it all the way in, Rikko moaned loudly, stunning him and forcing him to drop her, he recovered quickly however. "hehehe if you really want to fight me, come face me on deck, if you can get past my crew." He threw A.M.E. towards the group, punched Rikko away making a cut on his head, and walked out of the cabin. A.M.E. was still charmed and Exca was beginning to feel its effects too.

"AH!" Rikko excalimed. "his biting gives me an idea, considering these attacks are merely types of aphrodisiacs, I'll bit into you and try to drain it out. Exca was too stunned to respond but tried to nod. Rikko bit into A.M.E. first. When he pulled his teeth out, pink laced his teeth, he tried to spit it out but was forced to swallow some, but it didnt seem to effect him. He then bit into exca with the same effect. Upon pulling out some of her flesh came up with his teeth.

"...hmm I...I like this...I dont know why." The wound on his forehead healed a little upon swallowing the tiny amount of flesh. Rockefellers poison was what made him fall asleep so Rikko couldnt wake him without feeling the same effect, so they dragged his sleeping body with them.

They went outside. Rikko could see Bladetooth standing next to the struggling caught mermaid. The captain took out a knife and slit the mermaids arm and drank the blood. His muscles seemed to grow very slightly and his scars healed, he looked a little younger as well.

"Why are you doing this?!" yelled the mermaid "I never did anything to you!"

"Ah, but your blood will help me get rich and crush those pitiful fools over there". He turned to face the Group. He pointed at them and his pirate crew charged.

A.M.E., now recovered, lifted her leg high into the air then slammed her heel on the deck, shattering part of it and tripping up the crew. Tava charged through them with ease, even knocking some overboard. when she stopped some of the crew was too distracted by her large breasts to fight her. This gave Avir and Karien a chance to grab some and throw them over as well.

"Take that pirates" they said together. The slimes were slightly growing with every raindrop that hit them, they smothered several of the crew and tossed them into the wall.

"dokubutsu kahen" (poison petals) yelled Mir'la. The spell backfired and a small flower popped up of the ground. The pirates laughed and proceeded to stab at her. The flower grew behind them and turned around, it was living, it bit off the foot of one of the pirates. He screamed in pain as the little flower grew bigger then proceeded to tear into his flesh. The other pirates were too scared to help and ignored him, soon he was eaten. The flower faded out after.

"HAHAHA want to save her *drinks some more blood*..."
The group looked over at him.

"Then....COME AT ME!!!"

Ah so many references used. I like Eric's story as well but im tired right now so I'll comment on it later.

And ill incorporatethe dream in the story....thanks for the milk. :P

Looks like something evil has come back.

EricFong - Group: Member - Total Posts: 453
Posted on: 05/28/10 07:05AM

Mastermind, can I put the slime queen that got core in her chest for life in my story? I would very thankful for that.
Maybe I would also put alittle bit of Rikki in my story. And dureo too.

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