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Anonymous commented at 2020-04-13 04:31:26 » #2512737

Everybody and their moma write "OU" when it's just an "O" in japanese:
ROSHI, not roUshi, stupid motherfuckers.

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Legaloli commented at 2020-04-13 05:06:41 » #2512748

Yeah, dunno where that mistranslation comes from honestly.

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lustislovely commented at 2020-07-08 14:12:14 » #2550310

i don't know why you're so angry about it, but you're also wrong. putting aside there is no "o" in japanese or "ou" for that matter, the kanji is 老師 pronounced ろうし using the on-yomi for 老 meaning elder, as well as the on-yomi for 師 meaning teacher or master, commonly used in martial arts with the word "shishou"(師匠). The on-yomi(音読み) is the reading derived from the Chinese sound of the character where in this instance 'lǎo'. becomes "rou"(ろう) don't ask me why, Japanese just doesn't make sense.

Anyways calm the hell down we're all here to masturbate why you hef to be mad

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