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Anonymous commented at 2018-06-07 08:27:32 » #2246485

insisting i am ready.

3 Points Flag
camereaguy2 commented at 2018-06-08 10:47:35 » #2246775

Such wife material...

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-06-10 02:54:41 » #2247252

Tomo is always fantastic. I forgot how grand Hoods' art could be... before they sold out for normie-bait projects. And how did that work out? Well, just look up anything about Märchen Mädchen's production and release. From 09' to 13' they unleashed a blitzkrieg of top-quality ecchi series. Aki Sora, Princess Lover's hentai OVA, Seikon no Qwaser, Manyuu Hikenchou, MGX, and Kagaku na Yatsura's OVA all in the span of just 4 years... incredible. Let's not forget they were also the studio that finally gave the Senran Kagura girls nipples with their 2015 Estival Versus OVA.

Personally, I think they just got burnt out... probably lost money on a few of those ecchi projects (because torrents), and shilled for stuff like Blazblue and Drifters to try and get back into the green... but like I said, check out Märchen, absolute shit show. I hope they return to true ecchi one day...

12 Points Flag