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Jerl commented at 2018-10-03 12:50:49 » #2287900

Dear anon who keeps posting dialog comments about what he thinks the characters in images are saying:

Their actual names are right fucking there in the sidebar. They're the green ones. If you're on mobile, touch the "Toggle Tags" link right above the image.

...Also, your comments violate our commenting guidelines and will be removed on sight.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-12 18:56:19 » #2445365

By using this site you agree to the terms of service, and as such if you violate them your comments will be removed just like Jerl said. HE IS one of the admins here.. not sure if he's the owner but he's one of the names I see most often in terms of moderation stuff. If a moderator tells you to knock shit off, KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF. Good life advice right there.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-12 21:00:03 » #2445407

Anon 5362, the site users don't determine on what can be done or not on the site, the site owner does and the site admin enforce the rules set by the site owner. Jerl is one of the admin, so if he tells you to stop doing something because it violate site rules, STOP FUCKING DOING IT!

1 Points Flag