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Anonymous commented at 2018-01-25 15:21:09 » #2206041

oh i would love to have this boy's life right now. smelling my sisters feet every day. being under the table enjoying both of their powerful foot odors. while they talk about how powerful their foot odor is. it sounds like a perfect life.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-01-30 23:47:23 » #2207629

What's the source of this image? It's not on the guys Twitter, and the one on his Pixiv (www.pixiv.net/member_illu...um&illust_id=66935371)

only has the images upside down but the text upright for some reason. Reverse searching only leads here. Asking because I had a go at translating the second part of the image, but wanted it the correct way up.

6 Points Flag