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Anonymous commented at 2017-06-03 19:04:46 » #2135428

I wish it was that easy in real life.

1 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2017-06-04 01:18:06 » #2135534

That not curvy, that's just fat.

3 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2017-06-04 16:06:44 » #2135735

Gotta love that subliminal messaging that being "curvy" is unattractive, but being "slim" automatically makes you hot.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-06-04 22:24:33 » #2135856

Khightmare, what you see there is not "Curvy", but, rather, fat. And its not attractive.

3 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2017-06-05 07:30:03 » #2136012

Which is why I quoted it for what the game said "curvy" was. That said.. Personally I would find the slimer girl more attractive. But I also know there are fetishes that prioritize fat woman over smaller ones. So attractiveness (obviously) is subjective.

Despite ppl finding bigger women attractive, I just "love" when its pushed that they aren't in main media. But being slim (or even skinny) is.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-06-08 21:18:21 » #2137250

KhightMare, there's nothing in the game saying that one is hotter than the other. You're the one saying that the slim one is more attractive.
And fat people not being attractive isn't "pushed by the main media", it's just truth, it's unhealthy and unnatural. Hell, I'm an obese fuck yet I don't lie to myself that my body is beautiful by any standards, even if someone has a kink or doesn't care about it.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-06-12 06:27:39 » #2138440

Fat doesn't contradict "curvy" simply because you don't find it attractive. Fat women will have more curves by definition.

@Anon 2137250 "Unnatural" and "unhealthy" are just rationalizations for why you find certain things unattractive. People said the same shit about gay people. The same has be said for plenty of the popular themes here at Gelbooru.

A person who likes fat people doesn't have any more of a "fetish" or "kink" than someone who's attracted to skinny or muscular people. Why people can't just like what they do without trying to justify it or harassing others for what they are/like when they aren't harming others is mystifying.

"Unnatural" is an especially stupid thing to complain about considering that you're making this comment on a PC in a language that has to be taught and likely taking advantage of other things that don't just occur on their own. If being natural matters so much, strip buck naked and go live in the wilderness.

You being a self loathing "obese fuck" doesn't automatically validate anything irrational you have to say about a group that you just so happen to be part of.

As for the curvy form in this game, she was clearly drawn/modeled very differently from the slim form in more than just weight. As much as it may pain you to do so, go look at BBW or even SSBBW porn. Almost none of the women have a body or face like hers and are dressed in clothes designed for their bodies.

Hell, just look at the differences between the faces of the curvy and slim forms! The curvy form was deliberately given a Gerber baby doll face! She doesn't look like a fatter version of the skinny girl, she looks like what a person disgusted by fat women would depict them as.

5 Points Flag