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Anonymous commented at 2017-03-17 18:14:22 » #2110062

We have like 5 higher quality webms/gifs of this but it is fine.

If you're on the edge of buying this game- trust me that you owe it to yourself. Just don't judge the story from the first 2 playthroughs, game hasn't even started by that point and many reviewers don't like the multi-playthrough gimmick or says the story seems flat because the plot hasn't even begun yet by the time of their review. It is a fantastic masterpiece if you give it the time it asks for.

4 Points Flag
Anon_Perv commented at 2017-03-17 18:34:08 » #2110076

I didnt see this gif anywhere on this site

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-17 19:50:37 » #2110099

I've already completed all routes. Nier ASSomata is a masterpiece.

1 Points Flag
Klawz commented at 2017-03-17 20:15:00 » #2110106

Is it really that good though? Or is it just a hack and slash? Cuz... Well... They're a bit boring. I would literally be buying it for her ass, which is perfect, but it's not enough.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-17 21:55:08 » #2110130

It blends many genres together. 2d, 3d, horizontal, vertical shmups/bullethell- classic games like Snake and Breakout etc It's not only a hack n' slash. Personally I like the term Character Action game used for it instead- akin to other Platinum Games like Metal Gear Rising and Bayonetta. Where you're not just effortlessly cleaving through a million enemies like in Diablo or literally every Musou ever but instead have a huge amount of control with your character and a vast variety of combos that can cancel and change on the fly to hit what you need to hit or dodge what you need to dodge.

The ass helps too- apparently Yoko Taro told the modeling team that if they didn't make the best buttocks they would all be fired so they put in the extra work. The game is super easy to spoil yourself on so if you really want the best experience then go in blind.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-17 21:59:54 » #2110131

Well looking at just the combat alone, it can be seen as a hack and slash, but it's very much an action rpg, so consider that more if you're into that kind of gameplay structure.

Imo the biggest draw of Nier is to experience Yoko Taro's unique story telling. And yeah you really need to play all 3 playthroughs to get the full story.

0 Points Flag