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Anonymous commented at 2009-10-26 10:31:34 » #138530

What this is is an excellent shoop (or since it's a gif, a series of shoops) of a scene from the episode of Gundam 00 S2 where they rescue Al from the prison. She's being slammed into the wall by the force of Gundam Arios crashing into the building, IIRC. She's fully clothed, and has no dicks in her hands.

Shooping a clip from a show can be hard. Shooping a gif is even harder. And doing so in such a way that it looks so seamless is downright godlike. My compliments to whoever made this.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-17 00:50:07 » #367787

@ everyone commenting on 24-bit monitors:
It's irrelevant because the .gif format supports 256 colors max. In other words, only 8-bit color.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-07 16:31:33 » #535404

Why the hell are people talking about 24-bit monitors? Also, aren't they relics by now? says the guy playing some of the newer PC games on one because it hasn't broken yet, and ergo doesn't need to be replaced yet either!

3 Points Flag