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ShiftKey commented at 2017-02-13 15:51:03 » #2096356

I would not expect Calem and Serena to be that tall.

0 Points Flag
Schmeck commented at 2017-02-13 16:05:20 » #2096364

Red is a grown-ass MAN

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-13 20:12:11 » #2096475

Any evidence?
Keystrokes annoy me

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-13 20:17:17 » #2096478

Serena and Calem are "around the same age" of Emma (that's what Looker says), who's 16, so they're expected to be taller than most protags, but not that much, since Touko/ya are 14 and Red is in his 20s.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-14 02:26:02 » #2096619

...Anyone seen Green?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-14 09:42:45 » #2096724

i'd prefer an official statement from gamefreak than random guess like that ,anon2096478. not to montion,the closest friends of MC (shauna,tierno,and trevor) don't seem to be teenager. as well as the fact that from AG onwards,the anime has a knack of potraying the game's character at their true age. serena in xy depicted as coeval of ash.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-15 07:29:12 » #2097203

Characters from the anime are not the ones from the game, it's why, for example, Lillie is so different. Serena in the game artwork is much more developed than anime Serena, too.

Emma is 16 and she says in X/Y that Serena/Calem is older than her.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-16 06:49:20 » #2097734

This must be why the don't allow midriff shirts for the girls in Sun and Moon, cause they're like 10, while the player characters in X and Y appear to be 16 or more...

0 Points Flag
adriandragonus2 commented at 2017-02-16 08:17:04 » #2097760

dude2096724 never said the anime take the exact same character as the game,if so how they'll explain the lost of original MC and the appearance of ash? he said that while the anime deliberately change many aspect of the game character,they still adhere to the character's exact age. which will explain a lot of things in anime (like why hilda isn't included in the anime? because she's too old to be ash's female companion). and i personally didn't see any difference between game serena and anime serena,so i don't understand why the persistance to believe the character is older than they're.
you believe what you want to believe,i guess.

0 Points Flag
BigTittyLover commented at 2017-04-06 17:32:18 » #2116501

I wish this was slower so that I could get a good read on what their supposed heights are. Also, is this using the metric system? I assume it is, but I just wanna make sure.

0 Points Flag