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Anonymous commented at 2016-09-22 15:54:14 » #2023593

If XY&Z proves anything, it's that the developers of the anime have no intention of ever having Ash truly develop, progress, and grow up (and stay that way). This was one of the best chances they had to have him do so and they chickened out. They're going to keep Ash the same, eternally young 10-11 year old he started out as to the very end, resetting him at the end of every season before setting him off on another journey that is 95% the same as all the previous ones since the beginning.

They should just make an AU Pokemon anime series for more mature audiences, rather than children up to 10 years old, with either Ash or a completely different main character actually growing, developing, progressing, and staying that way so they actually look like they're truly getting closer to becoming a Pokemon Master; have them actually capture some legendary Pokemon, show them actually train their Pokemon, show them win and lose in a more balanced ratio, not have everything just work out in the end, have them learn (harsh) lessons as both a person and a Trainer that sticks with them and affects their development, have Pokemon actually bleed and/or die, and so on.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-22 16:24:27 » #2023608

i agree with you except for the bleed/die aspect. except for that particular instance with marowak, there's always been that question on the game about how or when did pokemon die. and even in the games, no pokemon have ever been said to be bleeding or dying. i don't say they could not do it for drama on rare ocasion, though.
all that said, such a anime is probably not going to happen.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-22 16:30:57 » #2023617

Pokemon Satanic Conduit to Evil Armageddon

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-23 18:19:33 » #2024160

You could totally add pokemon getting killed, but I can't imagine that would happen in any kind of organized format. Maybe like some kind of illegal underground battle format, but if a series were more mature, I think you'd also see a lot more very vicious pokemon that refuse to listen to trainers that send them into dangerous situations without a good reason that would be more than happy to teach said trainers why you don't fuck with a monster that can level a city block with a stray (insert move of choice here).

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-23 18:20:40 » #2024161

To be fair, even the cuddlier pokemon are dangerous. Even a Pikachu could easily shock a person to death just because it felt like doing it.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-23 18:27:23 » #2024163

The pokemon Manga isn't about Ash and them characters have real progression

1 Points Flag
adriandragonus commented at 2016-09-23 20:50:08 » #2024214

uuh anyone here ever realize that the target audience of pokemon anime is children? and pokemon franchise also intended to be kids friendly franchise? asking pokemon to release an mature content is like asking g-rated deadpool movie

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-24 15:45:28 » #2024603


That's why I said "AU (as in alternate universe) Pokemon anime series for more mature audiences rather than children up to 10 years old."

It doesn't have to be canon or connected or anything, but just something for other people who may not be as into the more "kiddy" mainstream series (anymore); something with more actual depth, progression, drama, emotion, meaning, etc. beyond more simplistic stuff.

And just because the primary demographic is children up to 10 years old, that doesn't mean every single thing associated with Pokemon must be stuff only for that audience. Have you read the Pokemon Adventures manga? You literally see stuff like an Arbok get sliced in half and actually see the inside, a Haunter actually kills itself rather than let itself be captured, and so on.

3 Points Flag
adriandragonus commented at 2016-09-27 02:17:47 » #2025721

you don't need to change demographic to attract fans. if anything, staying to the root is the best way for pokemon anime,since they already have strong grip with children demographic. after all,disney can keep making animated movie for kids and they're still loved.

3 Points Flag
adriandragonus commented at 2016-09-27 02:48:30 » #2025733

pokemon was created back in 1996 to to give modern children the chance to hunt for creatures as the creator (tajiri) did as a child,and also to give children a friendly game to play. they became great because of that way.so why changes it? if anything, staying to the root is the best way for pokemon anime,since they already have strong grip with children demographic. after all,disney can keep making animated movie for kids and they're still loved.
pokemon world is always about simple,fun,friendship,and kids friendly stuff,and people watch pokemon anime to see more about pokemon world that's not fully explored in the game that is,off course,able to be enjoyed by all ages, not to see some poor arboks get sliced into half and elite four become terrorists. imagine if some poor kids watching pokemon anime to see how ash and pikachu bond themselves, but get those gritty adaptation instead. making a secluded,adult-themed pokemon anime is also not advised,since pokemon itself naturally attract kids to watch them. if you want more story depth,emotion,drama,etc you may want to watch GoT,daredevil,the flash,or walking dead on TV. that may become the perfect way to channel your "maturity".
pokemon special only works because of the medium it is in (manga). it's included into shounen manga,so there is an age-limitation before people can read that. in anime,however,is different as pokemon already has slot in time where kids are able to watch it,and i doubt if kids are happy enough to see pokespe's content. in fact,i even argue that not all of general pokefans will love it. you can even see some of gelbooru comments that's not wanting pokespe to get animated because of its 'wild' content. i think this is the best way for pokemon fans, kids can watch the anime,and the more mature one can read the manga. you already have your prefered medium in manga,just don't make the anime change from its root.

1 Points Flag