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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-16 23:16:49 » #1951604

>> #1951085
Yeah you're right, but that is assuming she is of mixed ancestry which I don't think was mentioned (CMIIW). Still, it provides us an amusing thought-exercise. "Hmm. Which part of her heritage is interacting with the penis right now?" Slowly, the boner drops and the brain awakens: that's a surefire way you're doin it wrong!

TBH I've mostly no trouble finding stuff I'm looking for but I get what you mean. In this case the definition is already so blurry it makes sense the tagging is going to follow suit. I think sorting every image into Darkskinned-male / darkskinned-female / lightskinned-male / lightskinned-female tags where appropriate would improve image navigation, but it would also be a massive undertaking. Having an "interracial" tag alleviates us of that trouble, probably.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-16 23:47:07 » #1951618


It's a pretty common pattern with the Naruto serial-downvoter(s). Downvote disliked images and comments all to hell, with particular focus on the comments that talk about the dishonest nature of the downvotes, and report anything that can be even -vaguely- interpreted as insulting.

If someone is so opposed to the mere existence of fanart they don't like, I suppose we shouldn't then be surprised that they're also remarkably thin-skinned about anonymous criticism. It all shows the same "the world has to work the way I want it to, my opinions are the only ones that count" mindset.

43 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-18 12:09:09 » #1952492

>> #1951618
Glad to see their behavior isn't going unnoticed.
I tried up-voting this image yesterday and the day before, as a little test. Upon return today I find it has been restored to the -26 where I originally found it. I only rocked the boat a little, but this suggests that somebody has been doing rounds and keeping quotas on the negatives. Consider that this is just one image, then realize it's just one of many more. It's quite obsessive, vain, and childish to keep abusing the report and vote function like this. It sets a low 'netiquette' threshold for others within the fandom. Is this any way to nurture a community?

39 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-18 16:10:27 » #1952590

Nah, a lot of us know what's going on. Which really just makes me wonder what the point is. The vote thing lets people know how many people like or dislike a picture/comment,right? So messing with the votes makes it look like a lot of people hate those pictures and comments. But we know its just one person, or a few people, messing with the vote, and plenty of people are commenting about that so everyone reading the comments also know whats going on. So it doesn't even work to keep the impression that lots of people hate these pictures. It just makes the downvote-person look even more childish than they already did. I really don't understand what the point is.

31 Points Flag
Klamen007 commented at 2016-05-19 05:31:54 » #1952930

Well I like it. This is one of the most well-drawn tsunade fan pics I have seen.

31 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-19 05:44:01 » #1952934

It's the same dumb mentality as the people who mass downvote hetero pics of Goshuumon or other yuribait series: "I hate it and everyone else should too".

Just be on your way. Pictures won't disappear just because of negative score and it's much more efficient to blacklist tags than to hide pics under a certain threshold.

32 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-23 08:22:49 » #1955398

#1952492 "I try upvoting the image" so you're basically cheating, you know that right?

27 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-24 02:57:13 » #1955930

right...and the votes that put all these comments in the negatives when they were up in double-digit positives just a few hours ago? THOSE votes are totally legit...

pot/kettle much?

21 Points Flag