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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 23:02:07 » #1943840

its funny cause it's been done over and over and over

27 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 23:17:41 » #1943852

its funny because if pause at the right moment at 29 sec u can see she has no nipples

21 Points Flag
Genis_Sage commented at 2016-05-04 11:26:15 » #1944041

This shit pisses me off every time. Because apparently it's OK to physically assault a guy if he sees something, whether his intent or not. I want to see an anime where a girl walks out of the bathroom naked, a guy is there and sees accidentally, she throws stuff at him, he falls and hits his head wrong, goes into a 2-year long coma, she gets terminally depressed and kills herself.

43 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-04 11:30:58 » #1944044

I would just like to see this gag permanently retired.

64 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-04 14:22:13 » #1944115

@Genis_Sage and Anon3

That was something I liked in Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - Yuu Kashima, a girl (and one of my favorite characters of the series), is actually knocked around and such (comically mind you) by Hori-senpai (a male and obvious love interest) because of things she does, even getting bloodied sometimes.

The other problem is that, in these situations in anime, it's usually the female's fault for the guy seeing something to begin with, just like this showed as Claire was the one who sat up while somehow completely oblivious to the fact that her top had been untied. Other times, the girl is the one who doesn't lock a door when changing/bathing, doesn't close the blinds of her window(s) when changing, doesn't inform the guy if she's going to be at his place and just changes/uses the bathroom without knowing when he'd return, and so on.

These types of scenes (at least without some kind of subsequent apology) only keep throwing out the message that "all men are (the) perverted pigs".

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-04 14:48:44 » #1944125

Anon 3 here - agreed on all counts (especially the love for Nozaki-kun), but I would add that these scenes also throw out the message that all girls are pathologically unreasonable idiots. I'm a girl, and if some dude saw my junk by accident, I'd recognize it as a fucking accident, because I have a brain that I can use for thinking.

34 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-04 20:45:28 » #1944312

Maybe we can also have anime where guys beat the shit out of girls for seeing a dick?

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-05 01:22:51 » #1944417

Except when an anime girl sees a naked dude, the "joke" has exactly the same punchline. He's still the one who gets labeled a perv, she's still the one who acts like a violent idiot. There's nothing funny or clever about the whole scenario.

It is useful, though, in helping determine whether a series is worth my time. Pretty much any show that contains this scene? Totally skippable.

26 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-05 02:15:59 » #1944436

I'm siding with anon 3. It just needs to retire. I's honestly a nice change of pace when the guy/girl sees something by accident and no one is hit and called a "perv", they just get embarrass and apologize.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-07 11:39:10 » #1945842

Unfortunately no matter how much we want it to change, it never will. It's just something that will always happen and Japan seems to like it in their animes. Of course there's the rare anime out there that doesn't always follow the usual and can be refreshing, but almost every new lineup of anime throughout the year has a harem or ecchi-focused show.

I'm not really bothered by it anymore and if anything I just enjoy it for what it is. You can put a label and write out the cliches and tropes of anything nowadays and it will always be traced back to something else.

6 Points Flag