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Anonymous commented at 2016-03-07 05:01:10 » #1911055

I dont get it.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-10 14:54:52 » #1913037

(rough translation)
"I don't know what kind of facial expression I should make."
"I'm sorry."
"...you don't have to apologize. (it's not your fault.)"

I don't completely get it, either... But it reminds me of back when one of my friends used to cut hirself. I, of course, got upset when s/he did (I never got angry, I just got really sad) and s/he used to apologize afterwards... and I honestly didn't know what to reply with to hir's apologies... What DO you say when someone apologizes for cutting hirself? "It's fine"? It's NOT, and saying that it is would be a blatant lie. "It's not your fault"? Except s/he was the one who held the knife and did the cuts, so that's not quite true, either... "Do you want to talk about it"? After s/he had cut hirself, s/he had often already vented out hir's feelings, so s/he almost never did want to talk about it... In the end, the best I could often do was make sure the wounds were taken care of and tell hir that I loved hir... All that said, Frisk has bruises on hir's face, so this looks more like a case of abuse in addition to self-harm to me...

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-20 18:23:15 » #1918616

^ to be honest, I hate you for sharing such a personal thing
but as I am now
I'm happy to know there are people out there that care

1 Points Flag