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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-07 06:39:22 » #1945714

The things I would do, to that beautiful body... <3

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-18 09:23:07 » #1971454

I don't think, people understand that you don't downvote someone, who's saying something to clarify, that they think the art's amazing, or is confirming the sexy factor. You upvote those. You downvote, people who are actually posting spam. The hidden post, was something you're supposed to upvote. That said, Yang is a very sexy young woman.

5 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2016-06-18 10:56:02 » #1971489

Nope. That might be how Reddit's up/downvotes work, but it is not how Gelbooru's do. You vote a comment up if you like it and down if you don't; if it's actual spam you flag it for deletion.

Source: I'm a moderator and part of the dev team.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-18 11:01:20 » #1971493

@Jerl Why hid them then if it's based only on someones opinion? If it is a bad post I understand, but "The things I would do, to that beautiful body" is in no way hateful, or derogative, or even out of context.
Its a porn site and an individual would like to dry hump a yang pillow, sounds about right for Gelbooru.
So why is their comment censored because of one opinion?

3 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2016-06-18 11:09:40 » #1971500

It's only hidden if you have the default blacklist settings. Anyone can raise or lower the threshold comments are hidden at, even if you don't have an account. A comment would need to somehow hit a score of -9999 to be hidden from me. You can set yours to whatever you want. Click "My Account" on the top bar, then "Account settings". This also gives you access to the blacklist feature as well. Even if you don't, the comment is still completely visible to anyone who clicks the show hidden button. If it were censored, it would be completely removed.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-18 22:35:07 » #1971813

just a guess, but comments like "dat ass" and "the things I would do to (whatever)" usually get downvoted because they get posted all the damn time and its not a great compliment if the only positive thing you can think of to post is something so boring and cliche

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-20 08:25:11 » #1972585

@Jerl Pretty sure Reddit doesn't work like that. I'm also pretty sure, a site admin doesn't usually just casually stroll in, and tell someone these things. If they do, this is the first time I've seen it. It's usually a janitor, in my experience.

If downvotes work as you say they do, why are so many negative comments on other posts, getting upvotes while casual comments like the first person here's, are getting downvotes? To me, that say a lot of people don't like honesty or the positive opinion of others.

I was an administrator for a different site, that's been gone for years, so I'm pretty sure, people here are abusing a simple function, because they are being trolls or immature, and not because of dislike alone.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-20 08:38:07 » #1972593

Wasn't the skirt, a pair of shorts in the design by the late Monty Oum? Regardless, lovely artwork. I kind of figured Yang, for a girl to wear something a little more risque though, for her skivvies. She is, a sporty type of young woman, after all. And the type who doesn't mind, being a bit more "adult" in personality.

3 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2016-06-20 22:41:32 » #1972905

@Anonymous >> #1972585
On Gelbooru it's quite common for moderators to go around explaining how the site works for users who seem to have misunderstandings. This is because we don't actually have an equivalent of Danbooru's janitors; our closest equivalent, gardeners, do not have any actual authority and for all intents and purposes can only refer matters up to us moderators. As a result, our moderation team takes over both the duties you'd expect a janitor to take and the full duties of a moderator.

As a developer, I'm a little bit of a special case, but it doesn't mean I have more authority; it just means that I have more insight on how the site works on a source code level and what our intended direction for taking the site is.

Your conclusion that a lot of people don't like the positive opinion of others is exactly how I've interpreted a lot of experiences I've had moderating the site. It doesn't only show in comment scores - it shows up in flagged comments too, and since flagging a comment requires you to give a reason for why you feel it should be deleted, I've gotten a pretty good sense that a lot of users dislike anyone's opinion that's different than theirs, whether that opinion is positive or negative.

Can people abuse the fact that comments with negative scores are hidden by default? Yes. Even in their abuse, however, they're still technically using the system how it was intended to be used - they're downvoting something they dislike. Perhaps there's a bit more incentive to downvote something you don't like than to upvote something you do. That certainly seems to reflect how scores tend to go. That's something we could probably work on, but for now, anyone who uses their one vote to express their opinion on a comment or post is using the system the way it was intended.

Of course, there are those who use proxies, VPN's, botnets, and such to vote comments up to the heavens or down into oblivion singlehandedly - these users are abusing the system, and we are working on finding ways to combat them. That's not really the case of what happened here, though - when Anonymous >> #1971454 posted their comment, it was at a score of 0, which means that they had voted it up from a single person who voted it down once.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-21 07:36:38 » #1973076

This, is gorgeous.

5 Points Flag